The Lancet Healthy Longevity
1. [Articles] Prevention of dementia using mobile phone applications (PRODEMOS): a multinational, randomised, controlled effectiveness–implementation trial Eric P Moll van Charante, Marieke P Hoevenaar-Blom, Manshu Song, Sandrine Andrieu, Linda Barnes, Cindy Birck, Rachael Brooks, Nicola Coley, Esmé Eggink, Jean Georges, Melanie Hafdi, Willem A van Gool, Ron Handels, Haifeng Hou, Jihui Lyu, Yixuan Niu, Libin Song, Wenzhi Wang, Youxin Wang, Anders Wimo, Yueyi Yu, Jinxia Zhang, Wei Zhang, Carol Brayne, Wei Wang, Edo Richard, PRODEMOS study group
2. [Articles] Adapted EXTREME regimen in the first-line treatment of fit, older patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (ELAN-FIT): a multicentre, single-arm, phase 2 trial Joël Guigay, Hervé Le Caer, François-Régis Ferrand, Lionel Geoffrois, Esma Saada-Bouzid, Jérôme Fayette, Christian Sire, Didier Cupissol, Emmanuel Blot, Pierre Guillet, Julien Pavillet, Laurence Bozec, Olivier Capitain, Frédéric Rolland, Philippe Debourdeau, Yoann Pointreau, Claire Falandry, Stéphane Lopez, Alexandre Coutte, Thierry Chatellier, Pierre Dalloz, Cécile Ortholan, Cécile Michel, Benjamin Lacas, Nadir Cheurfa, Dominique Schwob, Jean Bourhis, Cécile Mertens, Anne Aupérin, ELAN Group including Gustave Roussy, Unicancer GERICO and H&N groups, and GORTEC
3. [Comment] The need to include older patients with head and neck cancer in clinical trials Leandro Luongo Matos, Luiz Paulo Kowalski
4. [Corrections] Correction to Lancet Healthy Longev 2024; 5: e170–71
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2024-05-16 [Articles] Prevention of dementia using mobile phone applications (PRODEMOS): a multinational, randomised, controlled effectiveness–implementation trial Eric P Moll van Charante, Marieke P Hoevenaar-Blom, Manshu Song, Sandrine Andrieu, Linda Barnes, Cindy Birck, Rachael Brooks, Nicola Coley, Esmé Eggink, Jean Georges, Melanie Hafdi, Willem A van Gool, Ron Handels, Haifeng Hou, Jihui Lyu, Yixuan Niu, Libin
2024-05-15 [Articles] Adapted EXTREME regimen in the first-line treatment of fit, older patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (ELAN-FIT): a multicentre, single-arm, phase 2 trial Joël Guigay, Hervé Le Caer, François-Régis Ferrand, Lionel Geoffrois, Esma Saada-Bouzid, Jérôme Fayette, Christian Sire, Didier Cupissol, Emmanuel Blot, Pierre Guillet, Julien Pavillet, Laurence Bozec, Olivier Capitain, Frédéric Rolland, Philippe Debourde
2024-05-15 [Comment] The need to include older patients with head and neck cancer in clinical trials Leandro Luongo Matos, Luiz Paulo Kowalski
2024-04-10 [Health Policy] Future policy and research for advance care planning in dementia: consensus recommendations from an international Delphi panel of the European Association for Palliative Care Miharu Nakanishi, Sandra Martins Pereira, Lieve Van den Block, Deborah Parker, Karen Harrison-Dening, Paola Di Giulio, Jürgen In der Schmitten, Philip J Larkin, Ninoslav Mimica, Rebecca L Sudore, Iva Holmerová, Ida J Korfage, Jenny T van der Steen, Europe
2024-04-09 [Corrections] Correction to Lancet Healthy Longev 2024; 5: e170–71
2024-04-06 [Articles] Effects of 3 months of 10-h per-day time-restricted eating and 3 months of follow-up on bodyweight and cardiometabolic health in Danish individuals at high risk of type 2 diabetes: the RESET single-centre, parallel, superiority, open-label, ran Jonas Salling Quist, Hanne Enghoff Pedersen, Marie Møller Jensen, Kim Katrine Bjerring Clemmensen, Natasja Bjerre, Trine Spragge Ekblond, Sarah Uldal, Joachim Størling, Nicolai J Wewer Albrechtsen, Jens Juul Holst, Signe Sørensen Torekov, Martin Erik Nyel
2024-04-06 [Comment] 10-h time-restricted eating: are there broad health benefits? Wanyang Li, Wei Chen
2024-04-04 [Articles] The time course of motor and cognitive decline in older adults and their associations with brain pathologies: a multicohort study Shahram Oveisgharan, Tianhao Wang, Lisa L Barnes, Julie A Schneider, David A Bennett, Aron S Buchman
2024-04-04 [Comment] Declining motor and cognitive functioning and the role of gait in dementia Emma Nichols, Jennifer S Rabin

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