GitHub ‧ Trending Python Today

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-07-25 google-research / neuralgcm 333
2024-07-25 ollama / ollama-python 3069
2024-07-24 QuivrHQ / quivr 3.4万
2024-07-23 sinaatalay / rendercv 1510
2024-07-22 crewAIInc / crewAI 1.8万
2024-07-21 crewAIInc / crewAI-examples 2325
2024-07-18 wenet-e2e/wenet wenet-e2e
2024-07-16 mem0ai / mem0 1.8万
2024-07-13 opendatalab / MinerU 1777
2024-07-12 InternLM / Tutorial 1075
2024-07-12 apify/crawlee-python apify
2024-07-11 urchade / GLiNER 995
2024-07-11 Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT Significant-Gravitas
2024-07-10 mikumifa / biliTickerBuy 569
2024-07-09 Xpra-org / xpra 1771
2024-07-07 explorerhq / django-sql-explorer 2614
2024-07-06 freelabz / secator 666
2024-07-06 tanelpoder / 0xtools 1141
2024-07-06 qdrant / fastembed 1065
2024-07-05 OpenGVLab / InternVL 4212
2024-07-05 Rikorose / DeepFilterNet 2149
2024-07-05 Azure-Samples/graphrag-accelerator Azure-Samples
2024-07-04 microsoft/graphrag microsoft
2024-07-04 Kedreamix / Linly-Talker 1370
2024-07-03 MiuLab / Taiwan-LLM 1103
2024-07-03 ComposioHQ / composio 3997
2024-07-02 pydata / xarray 3493
2024-07-02 thinkst / opencanary 2177
2024-06-29 snakers4/silero-vad snakers4
2024-06-27 bunkerity/bunkerweb bunkerity
2024-06-26 frappe / hrms 957
2024-06-25 cluic/wxauto cluic
2024-06-25 microsoft / table-transformer 1990
2024-06-24 google / google-ctf 4389
2024-06-24 modelscope / DiffSynth-Studio 6000
2024-06-23 Kosinkadink / ComfyUI-AnimateDiff-Evolved 2267
2024-06-21 p0dalirius / smbclient-ng 579
2024-06-21 DigitalPhonetics / IMS-Toucan 773
2024-06-20 labelmeai / labelme 1.3万
2024-06-18 landing-ai / vision-agent 684
2024-06-15 reorx / httpstat 5839
2024-06-11 piku / piku 4818
2024-06-07 mategol / PySilon-malware 648
2024-06-07 google/mesop google
2024-06-05 comfyanonymous / ComfyUI_TensorRT 158
2024-06-05 6drf21e / ChatTTS_colab 417
2024-06-05 nnanhuang / S3Gaussian 190
2024-06-04 Unique3D: Image-to-3D Generation from a Single Image jinqueeny
2024-06-04 tevslin / meeting-reporter 102
2024-06-04 julep-ai / julep 535
2024-06-04 myhhub / KnowledgeGraph 901
2024-06-04 tsale / EDR-Telemetry 1345
2024-06-03 TMElyralab / Comfyui-MusePose 180
2024-06-03 A macOS and Windows open source alternative to ChatGPT gorkemcetin
2024-06-02 G-U-N / Phased-Consistency-Model 191
2024-06-02 fofr / cog-consistent-character 338
2024-06-02 isaac-sim/IsaacLab isaac-sim
2024-06-02 Omost: LLM-Based Image Generation skilled
2024-06-02 Bklieger / groqbook 327
2024-06-01 jianchang512 / ChatTTS-ui 3103
2024-06-01 novitalabs / AnimateAnyone 546
2024-06-01 pengHTYX / Era3D 303
2024-06-01 sandeco / prompts 170
2024-06-01 aws-samples / amazon-bedrock-serverless-prompt-chaining 96
2024-06-01 ToonCrafter: Generative Cartoon Interpolation skilled
2024-05-31 bin123apple / AutoCoder 460
2024-05-31 adysec / wechat_sqlite 66
2024-05-31 mustafaaljadery / llama3v 586
2024-05-30 drivendataorg / cookiecutter-data-science 7951
2024-05-30 huggingface / huggingface_hub 1761
2024-05-30 ChrisBuilds / terminaltexteffects 1906
2024-05-30 adysec / ARL 106
2024-05-30 OpenDriveLab / Vista 234
2024-05-30 OSU-NLP-Group / HippoRAG 240
2024-05-30 TMElyralab / MusePose 1277
2024-05-30 Jeff-LiangF / streamv2v 221
2024-05-30 lyuwenyu/RT-DETR lyuwenyu
2024-05-30 modelscope / FunASR 4816
2024-05-29 vladmandic / automatic 5208
2024-05-29 Tele-AI / TeleSpeech-ASR 277
2024-05-29 octo-models / octo 510
2024-05-29 ambionics / cnext-exploits 181
2024-05-29 tencent-ailab / V-Express 1443
2024-05-28 AnyNode: LLM-programming ComfyUI node to do anything creativenolo
2024-05-28 dbrojas / optlib 592
2024-05-28 RUC-NLPIR / FlashRAG 604
2024-05-28 princeton-nlp / SimPO 274
2024-05-28 transcriptionstream / transcriptionstream 529
2024-05-27 vb000/LookOnceToHear vb000
2024-05-27 talkdai / dialog 221
2024-05-26 THU-MIG / yolov10 6869
2024-05-26 HITsz-TMG / UMOE-Scaling-Unified-Multimodal-LLMs 653
2024-05-26 maitrix-org / Pandora 293
2024-05-26 shamhi / HamsterKombatBot 240
2024-05-26 mistralai/mistral-finetune mistralai
2024-05-26 eloialonso / diamond 144
2024-05-25 W01fh4cker / CVE-2024-21683-RCE 76
2024-05-25 nvaccess / nvda 1974
2024-05-25 epic-open-source / seismometer 100
2024-05-25 Show HN: Pathway – Build Mission Critical ETL and RAG in Python (NATO, F1 Used) janchorowski

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