1. |
RoundRobin 2.0 |
Daniel Bodea / Kreatank |
2. |
Pemberton's Formula |
Heyo |
3. |
N&R Social Media |
Mark Smith, Smi. |
4. |
Black Cats |
Alfrey Davilla | vaneltia |
5. |
Top 9 logos of 2024 |
Slavisa Dujkovic | logo |
6. |
Vertical Logos from the Portfolio |
Jeroen van Eerden |
7. |
Developing new skills |
8. |
Analytics |
Geex Arts |
9. |
NEON Graphic Style |
10. |
Healthy Food Craft Store |
Nixtio |
11. |
EE Logo Design Part Two for MatchGroup |
Mihai Dolganiuc |
12. |
Pietro Pottatino ® |
Nikola Obradovic Design |
13. |
Pink Sunset |
Krestovskaya Anna |
14. |
Cryptic - Features Section/Cards |
Akshay Hooda |
15. |
Puzzle Fintech Website Design |
Ramotion |
16. |
Vase 3D Animation |
Zulfa Mahendra |
17. |
Cute Goat Logo |
Nagual |
18. |
Congrats illustration set |
Emote |
19. |
Notifications — Untitled UI |
Jordan Hughes® |
20. |
Graceful Angel Logo |
Lucian Radu |
21. |
Website for a Geology Product ✦ Coilan |
22. |
Prismify - CRM Dashboard |
Dipa Inhouse |
23. |
Bravory Bakehouse - Logotype Design |
Alex Aperios |
24. |
Aergitar logo |
younique |