MIT Robot Locomotion Group Paper and Multimedia News


1. Diffusion Policy: Visuomotor Policy Learning via Action Diffusion
2. Towards Tight Convex Relaxations for Contact-Rich Manipulation
3. Motion planning around obstacles with convex optimization
4. Constrained Bimanual Planning with Analytic Inverse Kinematics
5. Approximating Robot Configuration Spaces with few Convex Sets using Clique Covers of Visibility Graphs
6. Fighting Uncertainty with Gradients: Offline Reinforcement Learning via Diffusion Score Matching
7. Non-Euclidean Motion Planning with Graphs of Geodesically-Convex Sets
8. Does Self-Supervised Learning Excel at Handling Decentralized and Non-IID Unlabeled Data?
9. Global Planning for Contact-Rich Manipulation via Local Smoothing of Quasi-dynamic Contact Models
10. Finding and Optimizing Certified, Collision-Free Regions in Configuration Space for Robot Manipulators
11. Motion Planning around Obstacles with Convex Optimization
12. Globally Convergent Policy Search over Dynamic Filters for Output Estimation
13. Do Differentiable Simulators Give Better Policy Gradients?
14. Learning Models as Functionals of Signed-Distance Fields for Manipulation Planning
15. Discrete Approximate Information States in Partially Observable Environments
16. {SEED}: Series Elastic End Effectors in 6D for Visuotactile Tool Use
17. Scene Understanding and Distribution Modeling with Mixed-Integer Scene Parsing
18. Bundled Gradients through Contact via Randomized Smoothing
19. Easing Reliance on Collision-free Planning with Contact-aware Control
20. Lyapunov-stable neural-network control
21. Shortest Paths in Graphs of Convex Sets
22. Identifying External Contacts from Joint Torque Measurements on Serial Robotic Arms and Its Limitations
23. A Convex Quasistatic Time-stepping Scheme for Rigid Multibody Systems with Contact and Friction
24. Neural Bridge Sampling for Evaluating Safety-Critical Autonomous Systems
25. Sampling Quotient-Ring Sum-of-Squares Programs for Scalable Verification of Nonlinear Systems
26. The Surprising Effectiveness of Linear Models for Visual Foresight in Object Pile Manipulation
27. Robust Output Feedback Control with Guaranteed Constraint Satisfaction
28. Warm Start of Mixed-Integer Programs for Model Predictive Control of Hybrid Systems
29. The Nearest Polytope Problem: Algorithms and Application to Controlling Hybrid Systems
30. R3T: Rapidly-exploring Random Reachable Set Tree for Optimal Kinodynamic Planning of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems
31. Generative Modeling of Environments with Scene Grammars and Variational Inference
32. Self-Supervised Correspondence in Visuomotor Policy Learning
33. k{PAM-SC}: Generalizable {M}anipulation Planning using {K}ey{P}oint {A}ffordance and {S}hape {C}ompletion
34. {kPAM: KeyPoint Affordances for Category-Level Robotic Manipulation}
35. Linear Encodings for Polytope Containment Problems
36. Mixed-Integer Formulations for Optimal Control of Piecewise-Affine Systems
37. Learning Particle Dynamics for Manipulating Rigid Bodies, Deformable Objects, and Fluids
38. Controller Synthesis for Discrete-time Hybrid Polynomial Systems via Occupation Measures
39. A Supervised Approach to Predicting Noise in Depth Images
40. Dense Object Nets: Learning Dense Visual Object Descriptors By and For Robotic Manipulation
41. Sampling-based Polytopic Trees for Approximate Optimal Control of Piecewise Affine Systems
42. {LVIS}: Learning from Value Function Intervals for Contact-Aware Robot Controllers
43. Propagation Networks for Model-Based Control Under Partial Observation
44. Evaluating Robustness of Neural Networks with Mixed Integer Programming
45. Compositional Verification of Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems via Sums-of-Squares Optimization
46. A Pipeline for Generating Ground Truth Labels for Real {RGBD} Data of Cluttered Scenes
47. NanoMap: Fast, Uncertainty-Aware Proximity Queries with Lazy Search over Local 3D Data
48. Feedback Design for Multi-contact Push Recovery via {LMI} Approximation of the Piecewise-Affine Quadratic Regulator
49. Approximate Hybrid Model Predictive Control for Multi-Contact Push Recovery in Complex Environments
50. Global inverse kinematics via mixed-integer convex optimization
51. Globally Optimal Object Pose Estimation in Point Clouds with Mixed-Integer Programming
52. Tracking Objects with Point Clouds from Vision and Touch
53. Balance control using center of mass height variation: limitations imposed by unilateral contact
54. Integrated Perception and Control at High Speed: Evaluating Collision Avoidance Maneuvers Without Maps
55. Planning robust walking motion on uneven terrain via convex optimization
56. Feedback-Motion-Planning with Simulation-Based LQR-Trees
57. Funnel Libraries for Real-time Robust Feedback Motion Planning
58. Director: A User Interface Designed for Robot Operation With Shared Autonomy
59. Localizing External Contact Using Proprioceptive Sensors: The Contact Particle Filter
60. High-Speed Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance with Pushbroom Stereo
61. Optimization and stabilization of trajectories for constrained dynamical systems
62. Aggressive Quadrotor Flight through Cluttered Environments Using Mixed Integer Programming
63. A closed-form solution for real-time {ZMP} gait generation and feedback stabilization
64. Planning and Control for Quadrotor Flight through Cluttered Environments
65. Optimization-based Locomotion Planning, Estimation, and Control Design for the {A}tlas Humanoid Robot
66. Whole-body Motion Planning with Centroidal Dynamics and Full Kinematics
67. Pushbroom Stereo for High-Speed Navigation in Cluttered Environments
68. Efficient Mixed-Integer Planning for {UAVs} in Cluttered Environments
69. Stability analysis and control of rigid-body systems with impacts and friction
70. Control and Verification of High-Dimensional Systems with {DSOS} and {SDSOS} Programming
71. An Architecture for Online Affordance-based Perception and Whole-body Planning
72. Drift-Free Humanoid State Estimation fusing Kinematic, Inertial and LIDAR sensing
73. Footstep Planning on Uneven Terrain with Mixed-Integer Convex Optimization
74. Computing Large Convex Regions of Obstacle-Free Space through Semidefinite Programming
75. Synthesis and optimization of force closure grasps via sequential semidefinite programming
76. Convex Optimization of Nonlinear Feedback Controllers via Occupation Measures
77. Flying Between Obstacles with an Autonomous Knife-Edge Maneuver
78. A Summary of Team {MIT}'s Approach to the Virtual Robotics Challenge
79. An Efficiently Solvable Quadratic Program for Stabilizing Dynamic Locomotion
更新于 58 分钟前

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