

1. Some forensics mini-challenge networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2. ringzer0 CTF - Binaries - Heap Allocator ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
3. ringzer0 CTF - Binaries - Time to learn x86 ASM and gdb ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
4. ringzer0 CTF - SysAdmin Linux ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
5. ringzer0 CTF - JavaScript challenges ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
6. Fuzzing the hell out of conntrack tools hacking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
7. conference 2016 events ‧ Victor Dorneanu
8. ringzer0 CTF - Jail Escaping C ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
9. Automatic file uploads burp ‧ Victor Dorneanu
10. Testing shellcodes c ‧ Victor Dorneanu
11. ringzer0 CTF - Jail Escaping PHP ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
12. ringzer0 CTF - Jail Escaping Bash ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
13. Distribute your backups using git-annex networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
14. The Digital Future in Berlin events ‧ Victor Dorneanu
15. AWS Summit in Berlin 2016 events ‧ Victor Dorneanu
16. TLS Client authentication using Bitnami Nginx stack nginx ‧ Victor Dorneanu
17. Chrooting nginx, php-fpm and mysql using Bitnami nginx ‧ Victor Dorneanu
18. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson books ‧ Victor Dorneanu
19. Bye bye VODKA! job ‧ Victor Dorneanu
20. Some words on CSRF and cookies appsec ‧ Victor Dorneanu
21. No DNAT to localhost note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
22. HowTo: Put nginx and PHP to jail in Debian 8 nginx ‧ Victor Dorneanu
23. Video editing with ffmpeg and kdenlive note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
24. OpenVPN for paranoids networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
25. Advanced inter VLAN switching using Cisco networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
26. Basic Layer 2 Switching using Cisco Packet Tracer networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
27. Manage PKI using OpenSSL ssl ‧ Victor Dorneanu
28. Organizing and visualizing knowledge viz ‧ Victor Dorneanu
29. Debugging Android native shared libraries ipython ‧ Victor Dorneanu
30. Decode Adobe Flex AMF protocol note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
31. usd AG Hacker Day in Hamburg ipython ‧ Victor Dorneanu
32. Validating and pinning X.509 certificates python ‧ Victor Dorneanu
33. Adding concurrency to smalisca python ‧ Victor Dorneanu
34. gethostbyname vs. getaddrinfo c ‧ Victor Dorneanu
35. Coming back to C/C++ after 2 years c ‧ Victor Dorneanu
36. usd AG Hacker challenge 2015 - Solutions android ‧ Victor Dorneanu
37. The iOS 8.1.3 fiasco mobile ‧ Victor Dorneanu
38. Android remote sniffing using Tcpdump, nc and Wireshark note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
39. Redirect Androids traffic to Burp note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
40. Android Hacker's Handbook books ‧ Victor Dorneanu
41. A practical guide to Advanced Networking books ‧ Victor Dorneanu
42. 2014 - Personal review misc ‧ Victor Dorneanu
43. Import Burp cert into Android note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
44. HowTo: Proxy Non-Proxy-Aware Android Applications through Burp android ‧ Victor Dorneanu
45. Re-Root Nexus 10 4.x note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
46. Using Blockdiag with Pelican and liquid tags blockdiag ‧ Victor
47. Using Graphviz with Pelican and liquid tags pelican ‧ Victor Dorneanu
48. HowTo: iOS Apps - Static analysis coding ‧ Victor Dorneanu
49. Generate all IP addresses from ASN networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
50. HowTo: Androguard with Docker ipython ‧ Victor Dorneanu
51. Using JQuery DataTables with IPython ipython ‧ Victor Dorneanu
52. HowTo: Debug Android APKs with Eclipse and DDMS android ‧ Victor Dorneanu
53. Web Application Survey Tutorial ipython ‧ Victor Dorneanu
54. Python for Data Analysis science ‧ Victor Dorneanu
55. Android Dynamic Code Analysis - Mastering DroidBox android ‧ Victor Dorneanu
56. Disect Android APKs like a Pro - Static code analysis android ‧ Victor Dorneanu
57. On Java, OpenSSL, Crypto, Blowfish and stuff java ‧ Victor Dorneanu
58. WhatsApp bot whatsapp ‧ Victor Dorneanu
59. Migrate this blog from Octopress to Pelican blog ‧ Victor Dorneanu
60. Googles XSS Game - Solutions web ‧ Victor Dorneanu
61. BerlinSides 0x05 events ‧ Victor Dorneanu
62. HowTo: Write pentest reports the easy way graphviz ‧ Victor Dorneanu
63. HowTo: Create docs with sphinx coding ‧ Victor
64. Unfancy dashboard using matplotlib coding ‧ Victor
65. Links of the Week #27 crypto ‧ Victor
66. Links of the Week #26 bitcoin ‧ Victor
67. Links of the Week #25 twitter ‧ Victor
68. Links of the Week #24 rootkit ‧ Victor
69. 24h Android sniffing using tcpdump - IPython Notebook Version android ‧ Victor Dorneanu
70. 24h Android sniffing using tcpdump android ‧ Victor
71. Links of the Week #23 botnet ‧ Victor
72. Links of the Week #22 wordpress ‧ Victor
73. Links of the Week #21 rootkit ‧ Victor
74. Links of the Week #20 android ‧ Victor
75. Convert IP ranges to list coding ‧ Victor
76. Links of the Week #19 scada ‧ Victor
77. Links of the Week #18 linux ‧ Victor
78. Links of the Week #17 google ‧ Victor
79. Links of the Week #16 android ‧ Victor
80. Links of the Week #15 apache ‧ Victor
81. Links of the Week #14 malware ‧ Victor
82. Links of the Week #13 viz ‧ Victor
83. Links of the Week #12 malware ‧ Victor
84. Links of the Week #11 nmap ‧ Victor
85. HowTo: Automate nmap scanning hacking ‧ Victor
86. Dissecting BlackTiny misc ‧ Victor
87. Links of the Week #10 kernel ‧ Victor
88. Gentoo, systemd, consolekit, udev and some failed system update misc ‧ Victor
89. Links of the Week #9 hardware ‧ Victor
90. Links of the Week #8 android ‧ Victor
91. HowTo: Automate Burp using Burp Extender API coding ‧ Victor
92. Links of the week #7 sploitfun ‧ Victor
93. HowTo: Root your Kindle 3 hacking ‧ Victor
94. Links of the Week #6 netbsd ‧ Victor
95. Dinge, die ein Informatikerstudent niemals sagen würde misc ‧ Victor
96. Links of the Week #5 android ‧ Victor
97. Links of the Week #4 misc ‧ Victor
98. Links of the Week #3 cracker ‧ Victor
99. Links of the Week #2 exploit ‧ Victor
100. Introducing Links of the Week (LOW) #1 malware ‧ Victor
101. Hacking Altoro Mutual hacking ‧ Victor
102. OverTheWire: Vortex Level1 coding ‧ Victor
103. OverTheWire: Vortex Level2 coding ‧ Victor
104. CCC / 29C3 events ‧ Victor
105. HowTo: Split MP3s by silence detection using mp3splt media ‧ Victor
106. HowTo: Have a web performance boost with Nginx howto ‧ Victor
107. Need any sh3ll? wtf ‧ Victor
108. Add Namecheap Mail account (OX Mail) to Thunderbird mail ‧ Victor
109. Die stinkenden Informatiker wtf ‧ Victor
110. Thank God there is iodine! IPv4 over DNS hacking ‧ Victor
111. HowTo: Redmine, Lighttpd with Debian howto ‧ Victor
112. HowTo: Keep your passwords safe using SQLite and SQLCipher security ‧ Victor
113. HowTo: Convert MTS to MKV using tsMuxeR and ffmpeg video ‧ Victor
114. Free PPTP VPN servers networking ‧ Victor
115. VNC: Connect to current desktop session using x11vnc and ssh howto ‧ Victor
116. Block facebook with iptables on OpenWrt networking ‧ Victor
117. OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD – I do love beasts! virtualization ‧ Victor
118. My own cheap NAS – the OpenWRT way howto ‧ Victor
119. HowTo: Full-Encrypt data using Gentoo,Luks and initramfs howto ‧ Victor
120. Think before you type part 2 wtf ‧ Victor
121. Stay clean and anonymous with Google Apps web ‧ Victor
122. OpenBSD 4.8 - First impressions openbsd ‧ Victor
123. Simple memory managment using linked lists (implement my_malloc and my_free) coding ‧ Victor
124. HowTo: SNAT/IP Masquerade between 2 wlan cards on Linux hacking ‧ Victor
125. Find out your geolocation via MAC address networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
126. HowTo: Secure your server using icmpKNOCK howto ‧ Victor
127. How to compile Robert you suck ^^ wtf ‧ Victor
128. DEADF700? Stuxnet! wtf ‧ Victor
129. The Ac1db1tch3z exploit and "Robert you suck" thingie security ‧ Victor
130. icmpKNOCK v0.2 released coding ‧ Victor
131. Drupals clean urls using Lighttpd: Moved from Lua to rewrite-once coding ‧ Victor
132. Speed up Drupal by preloading the page cache web ‧ Victor
133. Its time to say goodbye! RIP 2010-07! misc ‧ Victor
134. Sommersemester 2010 online! misc ‧ Victor Dorneanu
135. Java? Without Eclipse? Eclim! coding ‧ Victor
136. Bildungsforschung? Rechtschreibung waere besser wtf ‧ Victor
137. Birthday paradox/problem coding ‧ Victor
138. Torrents over TOR?! Don't! misc ‧ Victor
139. Word lists/dictionaries compilation cracking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
140. rm -rf / and some kernel panic wtf ‧ Victor
141. HowTo: Create new Debian domU using Xen on *BSD howto ‧ Victor
142. Inside the mind of a Russian hacker misc ‧ Victor
143. HowTo: Qemu networking on NetBSD networking ‧ Victor
144. Attacking Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hacking ‧ Victor
145. Pidgin stores account data in plaintext! wtf ‧ Victor
146. NetBSD, Linux & Xen - Does it work? networking ‧ Victor
147. Simple MAC address generator networking ‧ Victor
148. Some Drupal peculiarities coding ‧ Victor
149. Keep your system up2date! misc ‧ Victor Dorneanu
150. NetBSD, kernel downgrade and some voodoo! misc ‧ Victor Dorneanu
151. FU here I come! misc ‧ Victor
152. HowTo: SSH-Tunnel over CorkScrew using Tor hacking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
153. icmpKNOCK - ICMP port knocking server networking ‧ Victor
154. CoWPAtty 4.2 for NetBSD security ‧ Victor Dorneanu
155. Ganxtaville52 Luebecker Hood misc ‧ Victor Dorneanu
156. HowTo: RsynCrypto - The backup jewel howto ‧ Victor
157. OverTheWire: Vortex Level0 coding ‧ Victor Dorneanu
158. Der Buschfunk kommt misc ‧ Victor
159. NetBSD rulez! misc ‧ Victor Dorneanu
160. Turn VIM into your favourite IDE coding ‧ Victor
161. Why use Python? The n00b mini-review misc ‧ Victor Dorneanu
162. HowTo: Get SETOF from Array in PostgreSQL coding ‧ Victor Dorneanu
163. Bye Bye Immobilo! misc ‧ Victor Dorneanu
164. Viral Infections on Linux security ‧ Victor Dorneanu
165. Mod2Exec - Execute modules coding ‧ Victor Dorneanu
更新于 2021-02-06

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2019-05-08 Some forensics mini-challenge networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 ringzer0 CTF - Binaries - Heap Allocator ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 ringzer0 CTF - Binaries - Time to learn x86 ASM and gdb ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 ringzer0 CTF - SysAdmin Linux ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 ringzer0 CTF - JavaScript challenges ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Fuzzing the hell out of conntrack tools hacking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 conference 2016 events ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 ringzer0 CTF - Jail Escaping C ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Automatic file uploads burp ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Testing shellcodes c ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 ringzer0 CTF - Jail Escaping PHP ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 ringzer0 CTF - Jail Escaping Bash ringzer0 ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Distribute your backups using git-annex networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 The Digital Future in Berlin events ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 AWS Summit in Berlin 2016 events ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 TLS Client authentication using Bitnami Nginx stack nginx ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Chrooting nginx, php-fpm and mysql using Bitnami nginx ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson books ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Bye bye VODKA! job ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Some words on CSRF and cookies appsec ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 No DNAT to localhost note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 HowTo: Put nginx and PHP to jail in Debian 8 nginx ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Video editing with ffmpeg and kdenlive note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 OpenVPN for paranoids networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Advanced inter VLAN switching using Cisco networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Basic Layer 2 Switching using Cisco Packet Tracer networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Manage PKI using OpenSSL ssl ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Organizing and visualizing knowledge viz ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Debugging Android native shared libraries ipython ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Decode Adobe Flex AMF protocol note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 usd AG Hacker Day in Hamburg ipython ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Validating and pinning X.509 certificates python ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Adding concurrency to smalisca python ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 gethostbyname vs. getaddrinfo c ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Coming back to C/C++ after 2 years c ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 usd AG Hacker challenge 2015 - Solutions android ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 The iOS 8.1.3 fiasco mobile ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Android remote sniffing using Tcpdump, nc and Wireshark note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Redirect Androids traffic to Burp note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Android Hacker's Handbook books ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 A practical guide to Advanced Networking books ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 2014 - Personal review misc ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Import Burp cert into Android note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 HowTo: Proxy Non-Proxy-Aware Android Applications through Burp android ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Re-Root Nexus 10 4.x note ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Using Blockdiag with Pelican and liquid tags blockdiag ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Using Graphviz with Pelican and liquid tags pelican ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 HowTo: iOS Apps - Static analysis coding ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Generate all IP addresses from ASN networking ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 HowTo: Androguard with Docker ipython ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Using JQuery DataTables with IPython ipython ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 HowTo: Debug Android APKs with Eclipse and DDMS android ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Web Application Survey Tutorial ipython ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Python for Data Analysis science ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Android Dynamic Code Analysis - Mastering DroidBox android ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Disect Android APKs like a Pro - Static code analysis android ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 On Java, OpenSSL, Crypto, Blowfish and stuff java ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 WhatsApp bot whatsapp ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Migrate this blog from Octopress to Pelican blog ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 Googles XSS Game - Solutions web ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 BerlinSides 0x05 events ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 HowTo: Write pentest reports the easy way graphviz ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 HowTo: Create docs with sphinx coding ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Unfancy dashboard using matplotlib coding ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #27 crypto ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #26 bitcoin ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #25 twitter ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #24 rootkit ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 24h Android sniffing using tcpdump - IPython Notebook Version android ‧ Victor Dorneanu
2019-05-08 24h Android sniffing using tcpdump android ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #23 botnet ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #22 wordpress ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #21 rootkit ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #20 android ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Convert IP ranges to list coding ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #19 scada ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #18 linux ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #17 google ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #16 android ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #15 apache ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #14 malware ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #13 viz ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #12 malware ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #11 nmap ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 HowTo: Automate nmap scanning hacking ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Dissecting BlackTiny misc ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #10 kernel ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Gentoo, systemd, consolekit, udev and some failed system update misc ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #9 hardware ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #8 android ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 HowTo: Automate Burp using Burp Extender API coding ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the week #7 sploitfun ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 HowTo: Root your Kindle 3 hacking ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #6 netbsd ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Dinge, die ein Informatikerstudent niemals sagen würde misc ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #5 android ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #4 misc ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #3 cracker ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Links of the Week #2 exploit ‧ Victor
2019-05-08 Introducing Links of the Week (LOW) #1 malware ‧ Victor

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