ScienceDirect Publication: Earth and Planetary Science Letters

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-05-29 Decoding multiple source signatures in coseismic ionospheric disturbances of the 2024 January M<sub>w</sub>7.5 Noto-Peninsula earthquake, Central Japan
2024-05-29 Limited stability of hydrous SiO<sub>2</sub> stishovite in the deep mantle
2024-05-29 Detection of allophane by the Zhurong rover indicates water-limited alteration at Utopia Planitia, Mars
2024-05-27 A shallow (&#60;100 km) ilmenite-bearing pyroxenitic source for young lunar volcanism
2024-05-27 The role of sulfate in the hydrothermal replacement of aragonite single crystals by calcite
2024-05-27 Magnetization and age of ca. 544 Ma syenite, eastern Canada: Evidence for renewal of the geodynamo
2024-05-23 Microseismic constraints on the mechanical state of the Anninghe-Daliangshan fault zone, southeastern Tibetan Plateau
2024-05-22 Early arrival of the Réunion plume at the base of the Himalaya?
2024-05-21 An intensified lacustrine methane cycle during the Toarcian OAE (Jenkyns Event) in the Ordos Basin, northern China
2024-05-21 A high-resolution seismic velocity model for East Asia using full-waveform tomography: Constraints on India-Asia collisional tectonics
2024-05-21 Partial melt in mesoscale upper mantle upwellings beneath ocean basins
2024-05-18 Long-term isolation of Hadean mantle domains revealed from coupled <sup>147-146</sup>Sm-<sup>143-142</sup>Nd systematics in the eastern North China Craton
2024-05-18 The early onset of magmatic rift faulting in the Edward-George Rift, Uganda
2024-05-18 Editorial Board
2024-05-17 What is the source of magnesium in hydrothermal dolomites? New insights from coupling δ<sup>26</sup>Mg - ∆<sub>47</sub> isotopes
2024-05-17 Predicting source rock silica from igneous zircon characteristics
2024-05-15 Global oceanic basalt sources and processes viewed through combined Fe and Mg stable isotopes
2024-05-15 Assessing lunar paleointensity variability during the 3.9 - 3.5 Ga high field epoch
2024-05-15 Redox equilibria of iron in low- to high-silica melts: A simple model and its applications to C-H-O-S degassing
2024-05-14 Serpentinite geochemistry documents the earliest dehydration and decarbonation of the subducting slab beneath the Mariana forearc
2024-05-13 Precessional forcing of biogeochemical and nutrient cycling in the tropical western Pacific during the late Pleistocene
2024-05-10 The 2022 Mw 6.6 Menyuan earthquake: An early-terminated runaway rupture by the complex fault geometry
2024-05-10 Magnesium isotope behavior in oceanic magmatic systems: Constraints from mid-ocean ridge lavas from the East Pacific Rise
2024-05-10 Tracking transient changes in the plumbing system at Campi Flegrei Caldera
2024-05-09 Tectonic transition from continental subduction to orogenic collapse recorded by ultrahigh-pressure to ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism
2024-05-09 K- and Na-rich davemaoite inclusion in diamond is not inherited from deeply subducted oceanic crusts
2024-05-09 The where, when, and how of ooid formation: What ooids tell us about ancient seawater chemistry
2024-05-07 Statistical modeling of 3D seismicity and its correlation with fault slips along major faults in California
2024-05-07 Copper and zinc isotope compositions of pristine eucrites as analogues for differentiated planetary feedstocks
2024-05-07 A Great Tsunami Earthquake Component of the 1957 Aleutian Islands Earthquake
2024-05-05 Dual effect of roughness during earthquake rupture sequences on faults with strongly rate-weakening friction
2024-05-04 Autogenic shrinkage and channel destabilization of an overexpanded downstream alluvial system under steady rise of relative sea level: An experimental study
2024-05-04 Long-lasting farside volcanism in the Apollo basin: Chang'e-6 landing site
2024-05-02 Plate interface geometry complexity and persistent heterogenous coupling revealed by a high-resolution earthquake focal mechanism catalog in Mentawai, Sumatra
2024-05-02 The oceanic crustal structure and the magmatic accretion history of the South China Sea
2024-05-01 The thermal equation of state of the magma Ocean
2024-05-01 Present-day quantification of seismic coupling along the décollement level beneath the Potwar Plateau region in Pakistan western Himalaya
2024-05-01 Dynamic shifts in the southern Benguela upwelling system since the latest Miocene
2024-05-01 Landscape modelling of the Yalong River catchment during the uplift of Southeast Tibet
2024-05-01 Not so fast: Million-years of metal precipitation in Mississippi Valley type deposits inferred from in-situ petrochronology of hydrothermal carbonates
2024-04-29 Presence of non-solar derived krypton and xenon unveiled by Chang'e-5 lunar soils
2024-04-29 The effect of aqueous fluid on viscous relaxation of garnet and modification of inclusion pressures after entrapment
2024-04-28 The effects of precursory velocity changes on earthquake nucleation and stress evolution in dynamic earthquake cycle simulations
2024-04-28 Microscale hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen isotopic diversity of organic matter in asteroid Ryugu
2024-04-28 Impact of river capture on erosion rates and offshore sedimentation revealed by geological and in situ <sup>10</sup>Be cosmogenic data (Corsica, western Mediterranean)
2024-04-25 The combined effect of heterogeneous thermal conductivity, chemical density contrast, and heat-producing element enrichment on the stability of primordial reservoirs above the core-mantle boundary
2024-04-25 Increasing fault slip rates within the Corinth Rift, Greece: A rapidly localising active rift fault network
2024-04-25 Stratigraphic evidence for a major unconformity within the Ediacaran System
2024-04-25 Two-stage exhumation of high-pressure rocks by corner flow and mud volcanism within an active subduction zone – A case study from serpentinite mud volcanoes along the Mariana convergent margin
2024-04-25 Unraveling the roles of fault asperities over earthquake cycles
2024-04-25 Quantification of classical and non-classical crystallization pathways in calcite precipitation
2024-04-23 Magma ascent and lava flow field emplacement during the 2018–2021 Fani Maoré deep-submarine eruption insights from lava vesicle textures
2024-04-21 Zircon microstructures record high temperature and pressure conditions during impact melt evolution at the West Clearwater Lake impact structure, Canada
2024-04-20 Fault reactivation and growth at rift-related calderas
2024-04-20 Suspended particulate matter influence on dissolved Nd concentration and isotopic composition along GEOTRACES section GP16
2024-04-19 Dominance of transient rheology in far-field postseismic deformation following the 2012 Mw 7.8 Haida Gwaii and 2013 Mw 7.5 Craig earthquakes
2024-04-18 Accessory mineral microstructure and chronology reveals no evidence for late heavy bombardment on the asteroid 4-Vesta
2024-04-18 Seismic full-wavefield imaging of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet interior near the ice flow divide
2024-04-14 The evolution of a young ocean within Mimas
2024-04-11 Assessing the feasibility of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for moonquake detection
2024-04-10 Editorial Board
2024-04-07 The effect of weathering in runoff-to-groundwater partitioning in the Island of Hawai'i: Perspectives for landscape evolution
2024-04-07 Assembly of lower continental crust: A garnet Lu-Hf petrochronological investigation of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy
2024-04-06 The hydrology of the Jezero crater paleolake: Implications for the climate and limnology of the lake system from hydrological modeling
2024-04-05 Orbital modulation of an intensified hydrological cycle during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
2024-04-04 Magma flux variations triggering shallow-level emplacement of the Takidani pluton (Japan): Insights into the volcanic-plutonic connection
2024-04-04 Statistical reanalysis of Archean zircon paleointensities: No evidence for stagnant-lid tectonics
2024-04-02 Metasomatism is a source of methane on Mars
2024-03-28 Editorial Board
2024-03-25 Phase diagram and thermo-elastic properties of Fe-S compounds up to 15 GPa: Thermodynamic constraints on the core of medium-sized telluric planets
2024-03-25 Neoproterozoic low-<em>T/P</em> metamorphism in the Yangtze Block manifests a long-lived subduction girdle around Rodinia
2024-03-25 Sublithospheric diamonds extend Paleoproterozoic record of cold deep subduction into the lower mantle
2024-03-25 The pace of global river meandering influenced by fluvial sediment supply

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