Web 技术周刊


1. 2024.05.06 - We can have a different web 平侠
2. 2024.04.29 - It’s the End of the Web as We Know It 平侠
3. 2024.04.22 - 小孩哥和小孩姐做的小程序,我服了! 平侠
4. 2024.04.15 - Optimizing WebKit & Safari for Speedometer 3.0 平侠
5. 2024.04.08 - Bun 1.1 平侠
6. 2024.04.01 - The Product Model at Amazon 平侠
7. 致读者 - 开始构建你的信息中心 平侠
8. 2024.03.25 - ScreenAI: A visual language model for UI and visually-situated language understanding 平侠
9. 2024.03.18 - 40 years of programming 平侠
10. 2024.03.11 - The quiet, pervasive devaluation of frontend 平侠
11. 2024.03.04 - 为什么说腾讯22年前的这份神级PPT是立项汇报的天花板? 平侠
12. 2024.02.26 - Announcing web.dev for China 平侠
13. 2024.02.19 - Interop 2024 平侠
14. 2024.02.12 - We’ve been waiting 20 years for this: the indie web 平侠
15. 2024.02.05 - The perfect three-way: data, models and AI 平侠
16. 2024.01.29 - API Documentation 101 平侠
17. 2024.01.22 - A vision for Web 5 平侠
18. 2022 - 汇总 平侠
19. 2024.01.15 - 重新校准我们对万事万物的看法 平侠
20. 2024.01.01 - 2023年前端众生相 平侠
21. 2024.01.08 - Third-party cookies restricted by default for 1% of Chrome users 平侠
22. 2023.12.25 - Recapturing early-internet whimsy with HTML 平侠
23. 2023.12.18 - CSS Wrapped: 2023! 平侠
24. 2023.12.11 - Simplicity 平侠
25. 2023.12.04 - Code is run more than read 平侠
26. 2023.11.27 - 三和书院第六届同有班招生简章 平侠
27. 2023.11.20 - A faster web in 2024 平侠
28. 2023.11.13 - Introducing GPTs 平侠
29. 2023.11.06 - The product manager role is a mistake 平侠
30. 2023.10.30 - Software disenchantment 平侠
31. 2023.10.23 - Building The Next Web 平侠
32. 2023.10.16 - 共建“一带一路”:构建人类命运共同体 平侠
33. 2023.10.09 - How we run projects at Linear 平侠
34. 2023.10.02 - 教育的目的是向人传送生命的气息 平侠
35. 2023.09.25 - Bun hype. How we learned nothing from Yarn 平侠
36. 2023.09.18 - 中华文明何以伟大 平侠
37. 2023.09.11 - 毛泽东的奋斗观 平侠
38. 2023.09.04 - The Worst Programmer I Know 平侠
39. 2023.08.28 - 擦亮金砖,为了发展与和平 平侠
40. 2023.08.21 - 中华文明具有突出的和平性 平侠
41. 2023.08.14 - Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React 平侠
42. 2023.08.07 - Patterns for building LLM-based systems and products 平侠
43. 2023.07.31 - Google vs. the Open Web 平侠
44. 2023.07.24 - Effective > Productive 平侠
45. 2023.07.17 - On Becoming a VP of Engineering 平侠
46. 2023.07.10 - 让乡村教育朴素而体面地活着 平侠
47. 2023.07.03 - The Cost Of JavaScript 平侠
48. 2023.06.26 - 造就新的文化生命体 平侠
49. 2023.06.12 - Software 2.0 平侠
50. 2023.06.19 - 孔子的“绝技” 平侠
51. 2023.06.05 - “两个结合”的光辉典范 平侠
52. 2023.05.29 - 人生不长,早做准备 平侠
53. 2023.05.22 - The Staff Engineer's Path 平侠
54. 2023.05.15 - Google I/O 2023: Making AI more helpful for everyone 平侠
55. 2023.05.08 - AI isn’t the app, it’s the UI 平侠
56. 2023.05.01 - The future of programming 平侠
57. 2023.04.24 - Node.js 20 is now available! 平侠
58. 2023.04.17 - WebGPU Fundamentals 平侠
59. 2023.04.10 - How to be a -10x Engineer 平侠
60. 2023.04.03 - Rethinking React best practices 平侠
61. 2023.03.27 - The End of Front-End Development 平侠
62. 2023.03.20 - GPT-4 平侠
63. 2023.03.13 - TypeScript’s Migration to Modules 平侠
64. 2023.03.06 - You Don't Need a Build Step 平侠
65. 2021 - 汇总 平侠
66. 2023.02.27 - The ECMAScript 2023 Language Specification 平侠
67. 2023.02.20 - Writing Javascript without a build system 平侠
68. 2023.02.13 - A Historical Reference of React Criticism 平侠
69. 2023.02.06 - Is software getting worse? 平侠
70. 2023.01.30 - Natural language is the lazy user interface 平侠
71. 2023.01.23 - History of Web Browser Engines 平侠
72. 2023.01.16 - JSONQL 低代码数据模型引擎的设计与实现 平侠
73. 2023.01.09 - 自主健康:黄帝内针理法方术课 平侠
74. 2023.01.02 - 真正实现你的童年梦想 平侠
75. 2022.12.26 - What’s next for AI 平侠
76. 2022.12.19 - What I learned at GitLab that I don't want to forget 平侠
77. 2022.12.12 - 远观需要定心,“乱世”更要读书 平侠
78. 2022.12.05 - 做好健康的第一责任人 平侠
79. 2022.11.28 - The Perks of a High-Documentation, Low-Meeting Work Culture 平侠
80. 2022.11.21 - 做中国人 平侠
81. 2022.11.14 - The Foundation of Product 平侠
82. 2022.11.07 - Tim Berners-Lee: Web3 is not the web at all 平侠
83. 2022.10.31 - Turbopack: Rust-based successor to Webpack 平侠
84. 2022.10.24 - 960万平方公里的版图容不下一个拒绝奋斗的青春 平侠
85. 2022.10.17 - 从事前端开发的你,如今过的怎么样了? 平侠
86. 2022.10.10 - The Future of the Web is on the Edge 平侠
87. 2022.10.03 - Don’t worry, Nobody is Replacing Node, not Even Bun and Even less Deno 平侠
88. 2022.09.26 - React I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down 平侠
89. 2022.09.19 - 可视化看中国 平侠
90. 2022.09.12 - 技术人如何做产品 平侠
91. 2022.09.05 - Git’s database internals 平侠
92. 2022.08.29 - Typescript is terrible for library developers 平侠
93. 2022.08.22 - Big Changes Ahead for Deno 平侠
94. 2022.08.15 - 语雀的源起、定位与世界观 平侠
95. 2022.08.08 - GraphQL kinda sucks 平侠
96. 2022.08.01 - Roll your own JavaScript runtime 平侠
97. 2022.07.25 - DALL·E Now Available in Beta 平侠
98. 2022.07.18 - Vite 3.0 is out! 平侠
99. 2022.07.11 - 盘点十大 DevOps 刚需场景 平侠
100. 2022.07.04 - Fresh 1.0 平侠
101. 2022.06.27 - The Grug Brained Developer 平侠
102. 2022.06.20 - Why We Will Never Have Enough Software Developers 平侠
103. 2022.06.13 - 50 万行代码喂出来的一些编程经验 平侠
104. 2022.06.06 - 教育最大的危机,是教育质量支撑不了国家对创新的需求 平侠
105. 2022.05.30 - Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters 平侠
106. 2022.05.23 - 对少即是多的误解 平侠
107. 2022.05.16 - Google IO 2022 平侠
108. 2022.05.09 - Why I don't miss React 平侠
109. 2022.05.02 - Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks 平侠
110. 2022.04.25 - RenderingNG deep-dive: BlinkNG 平侠
111. 2022.04.18 - Innovating beyond libraries and frameworks 平侠
112. 2022.04.11 - In defense of simple architectures 平侠
113. 2022.04.04 - Chrome version 100 平侠
114. 2022.03.28 - Remix: The Yang to React's Yin 平侠
115. 2022.03.21 - Alert: peacenotwar module sabotages npm developers in the node-ipc package to protest the invasion of Ukraine 平侠
116. 2018.01.08 平侠
117. 2018.01.02 平侠
118. 2018.01.15 平侠
119. 2018.01.22 平侠
120. 2018.01.29 平侠
121. 2018.02.05 平侠
122. 2018.02.12 平侠
123. 2018.02.19 平侠
124. 2018.02.26 平侠
125. 2018.03.05 平侠
126. 2018.03.12 平侠
127. 2018.03.26 平侠
128. 2018.03.19 平侠
129. 2018.04.02 平侠
130. 2018.04.09 平侠
131. 2018.04.16 - The Eponymous Laws of Tech 平侠
132. 2018.04.23 - React in patterns 平侠
133. 2018.04.30 - What Will Programming Look Like In The Future? 平侠
134. 2018.05.07 - Rethinking Web Performance with Service Workers 平侠
135. 2018.05.14 - Welcome to the immersive web 平侠
136. 2018.05.21 - Web performance made easy 平侠
137. 2018.05.28 - Introducing Fuse for Cross-Platform App Development 平侠
138. 2018.06.04 - Why is Front-End Development So Unstable 平侠
139. 2018.06.11 - G6 2.0 开源发布 平侠
140. 2018.06.18 - Jsonnet - The Data Templating Language 平侠
141. 2018.06.25 - Hello, Pulumi - Get Code to the Cloud. Faster. Together. 平侠
142. 2018.07.02 - GUI Testing Powered by Deep Learning 平侠
143. 2018.07.09 - Announcing npm.community 平侠
144. 2018.07.16 - Two-factor authentication protection for packages 平侠
145. 2018.07.23 - 可视化图形语法 G2 3.2 发布 平侠
146. 2018.07.30 - Why the New V8 is so Damn Fast 平侠
147. 2018.08.06 - Fusion.js: A Plugin-based Universal Web Framework 平侠
148. 2018.08.13 - 从前端技术到体验科技 平侠
149. 2018.08.20 - V8 Embedded builtins 平侠
150. 2018.08.27 - 前馈:让功能找到用户 平侠
151. 2018.09.03 - React Fire: Modernizing React DOM 平侠
152. 2018.09.10 - Removing jQuery from GitHub.com frontend 平侠
153. 2018.09.17 - Next Generation Package Management 平侠
154. 2018.09.24 - It’s Time for New Computer Architectures and Software Languages 平侠
155. 2018.10.01 - Solid – Reshape the web as we know it 平侠
156. 2018.10.08 - Plans for the Next Iteration of Vue.js 平侠
157. 2018.10.15 - 12 Factor CLI Apps 平侠
158. 2018.10.22 - Modern Microprocessors A 90-Minute Guide 平侠
159. 2018.10.29 - React v16.6.0: lazy, memo and contextType 平侠
160. 2018.11.05 - A Look at the Design of Lua 平侠
161. 2018.11.12 - Programming Paradigms: What Every Programmer Should Know 平侠
162. 2018.11.26 - The State of JavaScript 2018 平侠
163. 2018.11.19 - Evan You Previews Vue.js 3.0 平侠
164. 2018.12.03 - React 16.x Roadmap 平侠
165. 2018.12.10 - Flutter 1.0: Google’s Portable UI Toolkit 平侠
166. 2018.12.17 - A Modern Terminal-Based Development Environment 平侠
167. 2018.12.24 - Google Tech Dev Guide 平侠
168. 2019.01.02 - 穿越寒冬的独行者 平侠
169. 2022.03.14 - ECMAScript proposal: Types as Comments 平侠
170. 2022.03.07 - Working together on Interop 2022 平侠
171. 2022.02.28 - A career ending mistake 平侠
172. 2022.02.21 - Building for the 99% Developers 平侠
173. 2022.02.14 - Back-end languages are coming to the front-end 平侠
174. 2022.02.07 - On the lack of open-source low-code tools 平侠
175. 2022.01.31 - 玫瑰是红的,紫罗兰是蓝的,留白是奢侈的 平侠
176. 2022.01.24 - Becoming a Better Writer in Tech 平侠
177. 2022.01.17 - tnpm rapid 模式 - 如何比 pnpm 快 10 秒 平侠
178. 2022.01.10 - 所谓“现代Web开发”,都是些什么妖魔鬼怪? 平侠
179. 2022.01.03 - 从实现原理看低代码 平侠
180. 2020 - 汇总 平侠
181. 2019 - 汇总 平侠
182. 2021.12.27 - The web starts on page four 平侠
183. 2021.12.20 - "Open Source" is Broken 平侠
184. 2021.12.13 - The UI fund 平侠
185. 2021.12.06 - Thank you, Angular 平侠
186. 2021.11.29 - Agile Principles: Go Together 平侠
187. 2021.11.22 - Notes on Web3 平侠
188. 2021.11.15 - Airtable introduces the first complete application builder for enterprise 平侠
189. 2021.11.08 - Have Single-Page Apps 'Ruined' the Web? 平侠
190. 2021.11.01 - Photoshop's journey to the web 平侠
191. 2021.10.25 - Web Browser Engineering 平侠
192. 2021.10.11 - 20 Things I’ve Learned in my 20 Years as a Software Engineer 平侠
193. 2021.10.03 - Gamification: a Strategy for Enterprises to Enable Digital Product Practices 平侠
194. 2021.09.27 - How Big Tech Runs Tech Projects and the Curious Absence of Scrum 平侠
195. 2021.09.20 - How SPA architectures affect Core Web Vitals 平侠
196. 2021.09.13 - Things To Do Before And After You Write Code 平侠
197. 2021.09.06 - The Four Agile Values and Slack 平侠
198. 2021.08.30 - The Future Is Big Graphs: A Community View on Graph Processing Systems 平侠
199. 2021.08.23 - 研发效能度量引发的血案 平侠
200. 2021.08.16 - GitHub’s Engineering Team has moved to Codespaces 平侠
201. 2021.08.09 - Metaverses 平侠
202. 2021.08.02 - Agile at 20: The Failed Rebellion 平侠
203. 2021.07.26 - 你可能并不需要微前端 平侠
204. 2021.07.19 - Windows 11: Designing the Next Generation 平侠
205. 2021.07.12 - 3 Truths of Software Projects 平侠
206. 2021.07.05 - GitHub Copilot · Your AI pair programmer 平侠
207. 2021.06.28 - Maybe it’s time we re-think docs 平侠
208. 2021.06.21 - What goes into curl 平侠
209. 2021.06.14 - Developers can't fix bad management 平侠
210. 2021.06.07 - Why we need to stop using React 平侠
211. 2021.05.31 - A Vision to Compute like Nature: Thermodynamically 平侠
212. 2021.05.24 - I/O 2021 平侠
213. 2021.05.17 - Babel is used by millions, so why are we running out of money 平侠
214. 2021.05.10 - 突破 web 应用研发效能的叹息之墙 平侠
215. 2021.05.03 - “行业毒瘤”低代码 平侠
216. 2021.04.26 - Introducing .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) 平侠
217. 2021.04.19 - Beyond no-code: no-learn and no-work software development 平侠
218. 2021.04.12 - 软件幻灭 平侠
219. 2021.04.05 - Mint: A new language designed for building single page applications 平侠
220. 2021.03.29 - 从前端角度看企业软件的研发过程 平侠
221. 2021.03.22 - Next 10 years of Node.js 平侠
222. 2021.03.15 - A year of transformation: The web and the world 平侠
223. 2021.03.08 - Announcing Flutter 2 平侠
224. 2021.03.01 - 10 Years of Open-Source Visualization 平侠
225. 2021.02.22 - The web didn't change; you did 平侠
226. 2021.02.15 - JavaScript, Firefox, Mozilla, and Brave 平侠
227. 2021.02.08 - Complexity Explained 平侠
228. 2021.02.01 - The State of Virtual Reality Hardware 平侠
229. 2021.01.25 - Servers: Cool Once Again 平侠
230. 2021.01.18 - Get Ready For ESM 平侠
231. 2021.01.11 - Maximizing Developer Effectiveness 平侠
232. 2021.01.04 - How Complex Systems Fail 平侠
233. 2020.12.28 - More challenging projects every programmer should try 平侠
234. 2020.12.21 - Get ready to up your Apps Script! 平侠
235. 2020.12.14 - Can developer productivity be measured? 平侠
236. 2020.12.07 - Flying the Nest: WebThings Gateway 1.0 平侠
237. 2020.11.30 - FrontPage: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 平侠
238. 2020.11.23 - Moving my serverless project to Ruby on Rails 平侠
239. 2020.11.16 - KISS, SOLID, YAGNI And Other Fun Acronyms 平侠
240. 2020.11.02 - If not SPAs, What? 平侠
241. 2020.11.09 - 7GUIs: A GUI Programming Benchmark 平侠
242. 2020.10.26 - The Tyranny of Metrics 平侠
243. 2020.10.19 - The Developer Experience Gap 平侠
244. 2020.10.12 - The Widening Responsibility for Front-End Developers 平侠
245. 2020.10.05 - I was wrong. CRDTs are the future 平侠
246. 2020.09.28 - 低代码,要怎么低?和低代码有关的 10 个问题 平侠
247. 2020.09.21 - VUE v3.0.0 One Piece 平侠
248. 2020.09.14 - 五年之后的前端会是什么样? 平侠
249. 2020.09.07 - What is the Value of Browser Diversity? 平侠
250. 2020.08.31 - G6 3.7.0 深耕分析、优雅出击 平侠
251. 2020.08.24 - A clean start for the web 平侠
252. 2020.08.17 - Changing World, Changing Mozilla 平侠
253. 2020.08.10 - 技术管理的世界观 平侠
254. 2020.08.03 - GitHub public roadmap 平侠
255. 2020.07.27 - The Future Vision of Microsoft 365 平侠
256. 2020.07.20 - The Importance of Deep Work 平侠
257. 2020.07.13 - Unit Testing is Overrated 平侠
258. 2020.07.06 - 如何为团队定制自己的 Node.js 框架? 平侠
259. 2020.06.29 - Honeycode: A New AWS Tool to Build Database Apps without Code 平侠
260. 2020.06.22 - 对 aPaaS 的产品认知 平侠
261. 2020.06.15 - The rise of embarrassingly parallel serverless compute 平侠
262. 2020.06.08 - 一篇写给从未编程过的人的入门教程 平侠
263. 2020.06.01 - 面向 Model 编程的前端架构设计 平侠
264. 2020.05.25 - Microsoft Build 2020 平侠
265. 2020.05.18 - Second-guessing the modern web 平侠
266. 2020.05.11 - Rebuilding our tech stack for the new Facebook.com 平侠
267. 2020.05.04 - Complexity Has to Live Somewhere 平侠
268. 2020.04.27 - The Cost of Javascript Frameworks 平侠
269. 2020.04.20 - Azure:世界的电脑 平侠
270. 2020.04.13 - Ant Design 开源项目经验分享 平侠
271. 2020.04.06 - Robots Learning to Move like Animals 平侠
272. 2020.03.30 - Get Static 平侠
273. 2020.03.23 - Please consider not adopting Google WebComponents 平侠
274. 2020.03.16 - GitLab's Guide to All-Remote 平侠
275. 2020.03.09 - CLUI: Building a Graphical Command Line 平侠
276. 2020.03.02 - Ant Design 4.0 正式版来了! 平侠
277. 2020.02.24 - When DIY Robots Invade 平侠
278. 2018 - 汇总 平侠
279. 2020.02.17 - G6 3.3 性能战斗机解析 平侠
280. 2020.02.10 - Old CSS, new CSS 平侠
281. 2020.02.03 - 2020: The Year of Robot Rights 平侠
282. 2020.01.27 - Why build this blog - or anything - on IPFS? 平侠
283. 2020.01.20 - 2020 Startup Themes 平侠
284. 2020.01.13 - “云”端的语雀:用 JavaScript 全栈打造商业级应用 平侠
285. 2020.01.06 - Good times create weak men 平侠
286. 2019.12.30 - What Are the React Team Principles? 平侠
287. 2019.12.23 - WebAssembly becomes a W3C Recommendation 平侠
288. 2019.12.16 - Develop, Debug, Learn? A time to re-think our tooling 平侠
289. 2019.12.02 - React 过誉了吗 平侠
290. 2019.12.09 - Declarative assembly of web applications from pre-defined concepts 平侠
291. 2019.11.25 - AntV 11.22 年度发布 平侠
292. 2019.11.18 - Moving towards a faster web 平侠
293. 2019.11.11 - 微软发力 RPA:AI+RPA 已成热门趋势 平侠
294. 2019.11.04 - 玉伯 - 我的前端成长之路 平侠
295. 2019.10.28 - Rethink: Serverless For Frontend 平侠
296. 2019.10.21 - Soli - You are the only interface you need 平侠
297. 2019.10.14 - AntV 发布 G6 3.1 平侠
298. 2019.10.07 - Text Rendering Hates You 平侠
299. 2019.09.30 - Into the web multiverse 平侠
300. 2019.09.23 - Ant Design 1.0 背后的故事 平侠
301. 2019.09.16 - A lighter V8 平侠
302. 2019.09.09 - CUE - Configure Unify Execute 平侠
303. 2019.09.02 - Put Down the Javascript: Learn HTML & CSS first 平侠
304. 2019.08.26 - Software Architecture Guide 平侠
305. 2019.08.19 - 云凤蝶中台研发提效实践 平侠
306. 2019.08.12 - Serverless For Frontend 前世今生 平侠
307. 2019.08.05 - 技术人需要突破的 10 个困局 平侠
308. 2019.07.29 - Monorepos and npm 平侠
309. 2019.07.22 - frontend design, react, and a bridge over the great divide 平侠
310. 2019.07.15 - QuickJS & Hermes Javascript Engine 平侠
311. 2019.07.08 - 前端开发编程语言的过去、现在和未来 平侠
312. 2019.07.01 - The cost of JavaScript in 2019 平侠
313. 2019.06.24 - Reactive Systems Architecture 平侠
314. 2019.06.17 - Micro Frontends 平侠
315. 2019.06.10 - Rethinking Visual Programming with Go 平侠
316. 2019.06.03 - Is High Quality Software Worth the Cost? 平侠
317. 2019.05.27 - 企业级研发提效的下一阶段 平侠
318. 2019.05.20 - SQLFlow: Motivations and the Design 平侠
319. 2019.05.13 - We Can Do Better Than SQL 平侠
320. 2019.05.06 - Local-first software 平侠
321. 2019.04.29 - 从前端角度看企业软件的研发过程 平侠
322. 2019.04.22 - Introducing Mozilla WebThings 平侠
323. 2019.04.15 - Slack Is Not Where 'Deep Work' Happens 平侠
324. 2019.04.08 - Domain-Oriented Observability 平侠
325. 2019.04.01 - Mathigon: The Textbook of the Future 平侠
326. 2019.03.25 - 代码无捷径,只怕有心人 平侠
327. 2019.03.18 - 30th Anniversary of the World Wide Web 平侠
328. 2019.03.11 - JavaScript Performance Pitfalls in V8 平侠
329. 2019.03.04 - 前端之未来 平侠
330. 2019.02.25 - TSLint in 2019 平侠
331. 2019.02.18 - A Berkeley View on Serverless Computing 平侠
332. 2019.02.11 - React v16.8: The One With Hooks 平侠
333. 2019.02.04 - A New Golden Age for Computer Architecture 平侠
334. 2019.01.28 - The TypeScript Tax 平侠
335. 2019.01.21 - Full-Stack Development in the Era of Serverless Computing 平侠
336. 2019.01.14 - Introduction to Dart VM 平侠
337. 2019.01.07 - Scratch 3.0 平侠
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