

1. [DEPRECATED] archlinux使用贴士
2. Memes
3. 如何用区块链合约做一个赌博应用?
4. 微博模拟登陆研究
5. [CONTENT WARNING] code gore
6. Linux kernel code reading
7. The Fucking Web
8. No bullshit hugo blog
9. Travels bloody travels
10. System Maintenance Log
11. A Static Art Gallery with Hugo
12. I don't want to speak to ...
13. Hello html
16. // DRAFT // The archtecture terminimology madness
17. // DRAFT // ELF: symbol table, linker script and assembly sugar
18. How much Page Tables / PTEs are needed for xyz amount of memory?
19. The media exploits ADHD (WIP // DRAFT)
20. reflections on how ChatGPT HAS changed things
21. C syntax is bad for regex
22. openring + webring, build a suckless web
23. Chinese translations of OS terminologies (WIP)
24. Pieces
25. Dresden
26. a Neon Dream
27. Idols
28. schnitzel.nvim : my neovim config
29. Binary Hacks - Dump process virtual memory
30. Tile Split Tile Split Tile (rants)
31. End the holy war between space and tab indentation...
32. WIP? WIP!
33. Text to speech in (neo)vim...
34. JS or no JS, that's a problem - towards a ZERO JS blog
35. Tomato clock!
36. Comment system on a static site without javascript???
37. Human as runtime
38. Cursed C - snippets from Expert C Programming
39. C struct inheritence
40. set up SSH tunnel for machines behind NAT
41. (fluff) western numbering is unfit for computer science, embrace the oriental
42. Friendship ended with Packer
43. Live_in
44. (WIP) Enclave Schizophrenia - What's TEE identity in Attestation?
45. Prepare a VirtualBox Image for Sharing
46. [WIP] send to stdin per PID
47. trivial spotify script..
48. Der Untergang des Wissens...
49. The cursed way to use a neovim-IDE on the CLOUD
50. Rust modules structure in a nutshell
51. Notes on (neo)vim
52. vim tricks
53. C_quicknotes
54. List synchronization, from coarse-grained to non blocking wait-free
55. Colors - It's more complicated than you think
56. Counter
57. [OSC] CGA显示
58. postgresql upgrade
59. A (neo)vim IDE setup for C/C++, that just works
60. Const Expression in c++
61. Deconstruct
62. Shells
63. Make screenshare work in wayland
64. Weakk Memory Model, Barriers, and Compiler Optimization
65. [FCDS] correctness conditions of concurrent programs, 3 types of consistency
66. now on fediverse(pleroma)!
67. die Todgeweihten interview (chinese)
68. Reflections on the isomorph album (cn+en)
69. Isomorph
70. Lambda-calculus: 布尔逻辑
71. Caching Mapping / 缓存映射
72. Lambda 演算
73. Extensionality
74. xmonad Experience + i3-like config
75. 配乐很好听的动漫
76. Latex basic
77. [FCDS] Mutex and Lock basics
78. Perfection at the price of humanity
79. 啸叫
80. Christmas trees are stupid
81. CBSE notes
82. nice selfhosted services
83. 记一次删库
84. 语言的数量
85. OS notes
86. 垃圾清理
87. switch vim buffers
88. 一点体会
89. 自动机
90. 快速幂模的两种实现
91. IEEE754 单精度浮点数
92. Vektorraum, Untervektorraum und Spannraum
93. GPG Quick Notes
94. nvidia-xrun solution on hybrid graphic + tearing free
95. Word problem(Decision Problem), Complexity and computing models
96. Das Wortproblem und Berechnungsmodell
97. P,NP,NP-Hard and NP-Complete
98. Stellenwertsystemen, Konvertierungen und Genauigkeit
99. [Betrieb System] - Prozess & Thread
100. [Rsync] Basic usage
101. Fri. Downtime
102. Raspberry Pi as printing/file server
103. Quick note: Encrypted ext4
104. A simple kernel module
105. [LINUX] Major & Minor Numbers of device files
106. [LINUX] several mount commands
107. Installing Archlinux on removable media
108. Build your own search Engine
109. archlinux setup
110. How RSA works
112. Vim tab&buffer confusion
113. [Python] NASA's astronomy picture of the day
114. Add katex support to Hugo
115. [LINUX] multiple ssh operations in scripts
116. Notes on cmake & makefile
117. 烤布丁与薄饼
118. [DEPRECATED] a makefile template
119. 土豆浓汤菜谱
120. 有关UUID
121. [DEPRECATED] 一些archlinux的配置文件
122. 指针传参hack
124. Just Random
更新于 42 分钟前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-05-10 [CONTENT WARNING] code gore
2024-05-10 No bullshit hugo blog
2024-05-10 Travels bloody travels
2024-05-10 System Maintenance Log
2024-05-08 Linux kernel code reading
2024-05-06 The Fucking Web
2024-04-01 A Static Art Gallery with Hugo
2024-03-26 I don't want to speak to ...
2024-03-25 Hello html
2023-05-23 Live_in
2023-05-23 一点体会
2023-05-05 (WIP) Enclave Schizophrenia - What's TEE identity in Attestation?
2023-04-04 Prepare a VirtualBox Image for Sharing
2023-02-02 send to stdin per PID
2023-02-01 Vektorraum, Untervektorraum und Spannraum
2023-02-01 How RSA works
2023-02-01 trivial spotify script..
2023-01-31 Der Untergang des Wissens...
2023-01-12 The cursed way to use a neovim-IDE on the CLOUD
2023-01-05 Rust modules structure in a nutshell
2022-11-18 Notes on (neo)vim
2022-11-18 vim tricks
2022-08-08 C_quicknotes
2022-06-12 Qajg
2022-06-12 List synchronization, from coarse-grained to non blocking wait-free
2022-06-12 Colors - It's more complicated than you think
2022-06-12 Counter
2022-06-12 [OSC] CGA显示
2022-06-12 postgresql upgrade
2022-06-12 A (neo)vim IDE setup for C/C++, that just works
2022-06-12 Const Expression in c++
2022-06-12 Deconstruct
2022-06-12 Shells
2022-06-12 Make screenshare work in wayland
2022-06-12 The web is frustrating
2022-06-12 Weakk Memory Model, Barriers, and Compiler Optimization
2022-06-12 [FCDS] correctness conditions of concurrent programs, 3 types of consistency
2022-06-12 关于我
2022-06-12 Links
2022-06-12 now on fediverse(pleroma)!
2022-06-12 die Todgeweihten 专访
2022-06-12 Takeaways
2022-06-12 random
2022-06-12 Isomorph
2022-06-12 Lambda-calculus: 布尔逻辑
2022-06-12 Caching Mapping / 缓存映射
2022-06-12 Lambda 演算
2022-06-12 Extensionality
2022-06-12 xmonad Experience + i3-like config
2022-06-12 配乐很好听的动漫
2022-06-12 Latex basic
2022-06-12 [FCDS] Mutex and Lock basics
2022-06-12 Perfection at the price of humanity
2022-06-12 啸叫
2022-06-12 Christmas trees are stupid
2022-06-12 CBSE notes
2022-06-12 nice selfhosted services
2022-06-12 记一次删库
2022-06-12 语言的数量
2022-06-12 OS notes
2022-06-12 垃圾清理
2022-06-12 switch vim buffers
2022-06-12 一点体会
2022-06-12 自动机
2022-06-12 快速幂模的两种实现
2022-06-12 IEEE754 单精度浮点数
2022-06-12 Vektorraum, Untervektorraum und Spannraum
2022-06-12 GPG Quick Notes
2022-06-12 nvidia-xrun solution on hybrid graphic + tearing free
2022-06-12 Word problem(Decision Problem), Complexity and computing models
2022-06-12 Das Wortproblem und Berechnungsmodell
2022-06-12 P,NP,NP-Hard and NP-Complete
2022-06-12 Stellenwertsystemen, Konvertierungen und Genauigkeit
2022-06-12 [Betrieb System] - Prozess & Thread
2022-06-12 [Rsync] Basic usage
2022-06-12 Fri. Downtime
2022-06-12 Raspberry Pi as printing/file server
2022-06-12 Quick note: Encrypted ext4
2022-06-12 A simple kernel module
2022-06-12 [LINUX] Major & Minor Numbers of device files
2022-06-12 [LINUX] several mount commands
2022-06-12 Installing Archlinux on removable media
2022-06-12 Build your own search Engine
2022-06-12 PubKey
2022-06-12 My music projects
2022-06-12 Bookmarks
2022-06-12 About
2022-06-12 我的音乐
2022-06-12 archlinux setup
2022-06-12 How RSA works
2022-06-12 A SIMPLE RULE
2022-06-12 Vim tab&buffer confusion
2022-06-12 [Python] NASA's astronomy picture of the day
2022-06-12 Add katex support to Hugo
2022-06-12 [LINUX] multiple ssh operations in scripts
2022-06-12 Notes on cmake & makefile
2022-06-12 烤布丁与薄饼
2022-06-12 [DEPRECATED] a makefile template
2022-06-12 土豆浓汤菜谱

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