Genes & Development


1. Corrigendium: Effects of RAS on the genesis of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma [Errata] Langenau, D. M., Keefe, M. D., Storer, N. Y., Guyon, J. R., Kutok, J. L., Le, X., Goessling, W., Neuberg, D. S., Kunkel, L. M., Zon, L. I.
2. Haploinsufficiency of phosphodiesterase 10A activates PI3K/AKT signaling independent of PTEN to induce an aggressive glioma phenotype [Research Papers] Nuechterlein, N., Shelbourn, A., Szulzewsky, F., Arora, S., Casad, M., Pattwell, S., Merino-Galan, L., Sulman, E., Arowa, S., Alvinez, N., Jung, M., Brown, D., Tang, K., Jackson, S., Stoica, S., Chittaboina, P., Banasavadi-Siddegowda, Y. K., Wirsching, H.-G., Stella, N., Shapiro, L., Paddison, P., Patel, A. P., Gilbert, M. R., Abdullaev, Z., Aldape, K., Pratt, D., Holland, E. C., Cimino, P. J.
3. A germline point mutation in the MYC-FBW7 phosphodegron initiates hematopoietic malignancies [Research Papers] Freie, B., Carroll, P. A., Varnum-Finney, B. J., Ramsey, E. L., Ramani, V., Bernstein, I., Eisenman, R. N.
4. NFATC2IP is a mediator of SUMO-dependent genome integrity [Research Papers] Cho, T., Hoeg, L., Setiaputra, D., Durocher, D.
5. WRN exonuclease imparts high fidelity on translesion synthesis by Y family DNA polymerases [Research Papers] Yoon, J.-H., Sellamuthu, K., Prakash, L., Prakash, S.
6. Protein domains of low sequence complexity--dark matter of the proteome [Perspectives] Cell Biology ‧ McKnight, S. L.
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近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-04-18 Corrigendium: Effects of RAS on the genesis of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma [Errata] Langenau, D. M., Keefe, M. D., Storer, N. Y., Guyon, J. R., Kutok, J. L., Le, X., Goessling, W., Neuberg, D. S., Kunkel, L. M., Zon, L. I.
2024-04-18 Haploinsufficiency of phosphodiesterase 10A activates PI3K/AKT signaling independent of PTEN to induce an aggressive glioma phenotype [Research Papers] Nuechterlein, N., Shelbourn, A., Szulzewsky, F., Arora, S., Casad, M., Pattwell, S., Merino-Galan, L., Sulman, E., Arowa, S., Alvinez, N., Jung, M., Brown, D., Tang, K., Jackson, S., Stoica, S., Chittaboina, P., Banasavadi-Siddegowda, Y. K., Wirsching, H.
2024-04-18 A germline point mutation in the MYC-FBW7 phosphodegron initiates hematopoietic malignancies [Research Papers] Freie, B., Carroll, P. A., Varnum-Finney, B. J., Ramsey, E. L., Ramani, V., Bernstein, I., Eisenman, R. N.
2024-04-18 NFATC2IP is a mediator of SUMO-dependent genome integrity [Research Papers] Cho, T., Hoeg, L., Setiaputra, D., Durocher, D.
2024-04-18 WRN exonuclease imparts high fidelity on translesion synthesis by Y family DNA polymerases [Research Papers] Yoon, J.-H., Sellamuthu, K., Prakash, L., Prakash, S.
2024-04-18 Protein domains of low sequence complexity--dark matter of the proteome [Perspectives] Cell Biology ‧ McKnight, S. L.
2023-08-18 Cell type-specific role of CBX2 and its disordered region in spermatogenesis [Research Papers] Kim, J. J., Steinson, E. R., Lau, M. S., de Rooij, D. G., Page, D. C., Kingston, R. E.
2023-08-18 Target-directed microRNA degradation regulates developmental microRNA expression and embryonic growth in mammals [Research Papers] Jones, B. T., Han, J., Zhang, H., Hammer, R. E., Evers, B. M., Rakheja, D., Acharya, A., Mendell, J. T.
2023-08-18 Delineation of two multi-invasion-induced rearrangement pathways that differently affect genome stability [Research Papers] Reitz, D., Djeghmoum, Y., Watson, R. A., Rajput, P., Argueso, J. L., Heyer, W.-D., Piazza, A.
2023-08-18 RUNX1 is required in granulocyte-monocyte progenitors to attenuate inflammatory cytokine production by neutrophils [Research Papers] Zezulin, A. U., Yen, D., Ye, D., Howell, E. D., Bresciani, E., Diemer, J., Ren, J.-g., Ahmad, M. H., Castilla, L. H., Touw, I. P., Minn, A. J., Tong, W., Liu, P. P., Tan, K., Yu, W., Speck, N. A.
2023-08-18 Dynamic nucleosome remodeling mediated by YY1 underlies early mouse development [Research Papers] Sakamoto, M., Abe, S., Miki, Y., Miyanari, Y., Sasaki, H., Ishiuchi, T.
2023-08-18 Histone bivalency regulates the timing of cerebellar granule cell development [Research Papers] Mätlik, K., Govek, E.-E., Paul, M. R., Allis, C. D., Hatten, M. E.
2023-08-18 CST-Pol{alpha}/Primase: the second telomere maintenance machine [Reviews] Cell Cycle and DNA Replication, Chromatin and Gene Expression ‧ Cai, S. W., de Lange, T.
2023-07-19 Structure and DNA-bridging activity of the essential Rec114-Mei4 trimer interface [Research Papers] Liu, K., Grasso, E. M., Pu, S., Zou, M., Liu, S., Eliezer, D., Keeney, S.
2023-07-19 Evolutionary conservation of the structure and function of meiotic Rec114-Mei4 and Mer2 complexes [Research Papers] Daccache, D., De Jonge, E., Liloku, P., Mechleb, K., Haddad, M., Corthaut, S., Sterckx, Y. G.- J., Volkov, A. N., Claeys Bouuaert, C.
2023-07-19 Nuclear mRNPs are compact particles packaged with a network of proteins promoting RNA-RNA interactions [Research Papers] Bonneau, F., Basquin, J., Steigenberger, B., Schäfer, T., Schäfer, I. B., Conti, E.
2023-07-19 Major {beta} cell-specific functions of NKX2.2 are mediated via the NK2-specific domain [Research Papers] Abarinov, V., Levine, J. A., Churchill, A. J., Hopwood, B., Deiter, C. S., Guney, M. A., Wells, K. L., Schrunk, J. M., Guo, Y., Hammelman, J., Gifford, D. K., Magnuson, M. A., Wichterle, H., Sussel, L.
2023-07-19 Translational regulation by uORFs and start codon selection stringency [Reviews] Translation ‧ Dever, T. E., Ivanov, I. P., Hinnebusch, A. G.
2023-07-19 Circadian mechanisms in adipose tissue bioenergetics and plasticity [Reviews] Molecular Physiology and Metabolism ‧ Hepler, C., Bass, J.
2023-07-19 Differential use of the Nkx2.2 NK2 domain in developing pancreatic islets and neurons [Outlook] Development, Chromatin and Gene Expression ‧ Seymour, P. A., Serup, P.
2023-06-06 Corrigendum: Hierarchical reactivation of transcription during mitosis-to-G1 transition by Brn2 and Ascl1 in neural stem cells [Errata] Soares, M. A. F., Soares, D. S., Teixeira, V., Heskol, A., Bressan, R. B., Pollard, S. M., Oliveira, R. A., Castro, D. S.
2023-06-06 Germ cell-specific eIF4E1b regulates maternal mRNA translation to ensure zygotic genome activation [Research Papers] Yang, G., Xin, Q., Feng, I., Wu, D., Dean, J.
2023-06-06 Butt-seq: a new method for facile profiling of transcription [Resource/Methodology] Yu, A. D., Rosbash, M.
2023-06-06 Long ant life span is maintained by a unique heat shock factor [Research Papers] Glastad, K. M., Roessler, J., Gospocic, J., Bonasio, R., Berger, S. L.
2023-06-06 Role of the proline-rich disordered domain of DROSHA in intronic microRNA processing [Research Papers] Son, S., Kim, B., Yang, J., Kim, V. N.
2023-06-06 Analysis of the Drosophila and human DPR elements reveals a distinct human variant whose specificity can be enhanced by machine learning [Research Communications] Vo ngoc, L., Rhyne, T. E., Kadonaga, J. T.
2023-06-06 RNA granules: functional compartments or incidental condensates? [Reviews] Chromatin and Gene Expression ‧ Putnam, A., Thomas, L., Seydoux, G.
2023-06-06 Designer genes courtesy of artificial intelligence [Outlook] Genomics, Chromatin and Gene Expression ‧ Hoffmann, A.
2023-04-25 Noncatalytic regulation of 18S rRNA methyltransferase DIMT1 in acute myeloid leukemia [Research Papers] Gonskikh, Y., Stoute, J., Shen, H., Budinich, K., Pingul, B., Schultz, K., Elashal, H., Marmorstein, R., Shi, J., Liu, K. F.
2023-04-25 A change in biophysical properties accompanies heterochromatin formation in mouse embryos [Research Papers] Guthmann, M., Qian, C., Gialdini, I., Nakatani, T., Ettinger, A., Schauer, T., Kukhtevich, I., Schneider, R., Lamb, D. C., Burton, A., Torres-Padilla, M.-E.
2023-04-25 Reducing MYC's transcriptional footprint unveils a good prognostic gene signature in melanoma [Research Papers] Zacarias-Fluck, M. F., Masso-Valles, D., Giuntini, F., Gonzalez-Larreategui, I., Kaur, J., Casacuberta-Serra, S., Jauset, T., Martinez-Martin, S., Martin-Fernandez, G., Serrano del Pozo, E., Foradada, L., Grueso, J., Nonell, L., Beaulieu, M.-E., Whitfield
2023-04-25 Cis interactions in the Irf8 locus regulate stage-dependent enhancer activation [Research Papers] Liu, T.-T., Ou, F., Belk, J. A., Bagadia, P., Anderson, D. A., Durai, V., Yao, W., Satpathy, A. T., Murphy, T. L., Murphy, K. M.
2023-04-25 A model for Scc2p stimulation of cohesin's ATPase and its inhibition by acetylation of Smc3p [Research Papers] Boardman, K., Xiang, S., Chatterjee, F., Mbonu, U., Guacci, V., Koshland, D.
2023-04-25 Genetic cold cases: lessons from solving complex congenital limb disorders [Reviews] Molecular Physiology and Metabolism, Genomics, Cancer and Disease Models ‧ Andrey, G., Duboule, D.
2023-04-25 Chromosome organization by fine-tuning an ATPase [Outlook] Chromatin and Gene Expression ‧ Massari, L. F., Marston, A. L.
2023-03-31 Pioneer factor ASCL1 cooperates with the mSWI/SNF complex at distal regulatory elements to regulate human neural differentiation [Research Papers] Paun, O., Tan, Y. X., Patel, H., Strohbuecker, S., Ghanate, A., Cobolli-Gigli, C., Llorian Sopena, M., Gerontogianni, L., Goldstone, R., Ang, S.-L., Guillemot, F., Dias, C.
2023-03-31 ALL-tRNAseq enables robust tRNA profiling in tissue samples [Resource/Methodology] Scheepbouwer, C., Aparicio-Puerta, E., Gomez-Martin, C., Verschueren, H., van Eijndhoven, M., Wedekind, L. E., Giannoukakos, S., Hijmering, N., Gasparotto, L., van der Galien, H. T., van Rijn, R. S., Aronica, E., Kibbelaar, R., Heine, V. M., Wesseling, P.
2023-03-31 ALOX5-mediated ferroptosis acts as a distinct cell death pathway upon oxidative stress in Huntington's disease [Research Papers] Song, S., Su, Z., Kon, N., Chu, B., Li, H., Jiang, X., Luo, J., Stockwell, B. R., Gu, W.
2023-03-31 Localization of Kif1c mRNA to cell protrusions dictates binding partner specificity of the encoded protein [Research Papers] Norris, M. L., Mendell, J. T.
2023-03-31 Adaptation to spindle assembly checkpoint inhibition through the selection of specific aneuploidies [Research Papers] Adell, M. A. Y., Klockner, T. C., Höfler, R., Wallner, L., Schmid, J., Markovic, A., Martyniak, A., Campbell, C. S.
2023-03-31 SPOC domain proteins in health and disease [Reviews] Chromatin and Gene Expression ‧ Appel, L.-M., Benedum, J., Engl, M., Platzer, S., Schleiffer, A., Strobl, X., Slade, D.
2023-03-31 It's complicated: the interplay of Kif1c mRNA localization in cell protrusions, assembly of protein binding partners on the KIF1C protein, and cell migration [Outlook] Cell Biology, Post-transcriptional Control ‧ Sarfraz, N., Braselmann, E.
2023-03-17 Enzymatic reactions of AGO4 in RNA-directed DNA methylation: siRNA duplex loading, passenger strand elimination, target RNA slicing, and sliced target retention [Research Papers] Wang, F., Huang, H.-Y., Huang, J., Singh, J., Pikaard, C. S.
2023-03-17 PLK1 regulates CtIP and DNA2 interplay in long-range DNA end resection [Research Papers] Ceppi, I., Cannavo, E., Bret, H., Camarillo, R., Vivalda, F., Thakur, R. S., Romero-Franco, A., Sartori, A. A., Huertas, P., Guerois, R., Cejka, P.
2023-03-17 WDR5 represents a therapeutically exploitable target for cancer stem cells in glioblastoma [Research Papers] Mitchell, K., Sprowls, S. A., Arora, S., Shakya, S., Silver, D. J., Goins, C. M., Wallace, L., Roversi, G., Schafer, R. E., Kay, K., Miller, T. E., Lauko, A., Bassett, J., Kashyap, A., D'Amato Kass, J., Mulkearns-Hubert, E. E., Johnson, S., Alvarado, J.,
2023-03-17 An FGF timer for zygotic genome activation [Research Communications] Treen, N., Chavarria, E., Weaver, C. J., Brangwynne, C. P., Levine, M.
2023-03-17 Balancing act of a leading strand DNA polymerase-specific domain and its exonuclease domain promotes genome-wide sister replication fork symmetry [Research Communications] Meng, X., Claussin, C., Regan-Mochrie, G., Whitehouse, I., Zhao, X.
2023-03-17 The evolving tale of Pol2 function [Outlook] DNA Recombination and Repair, Chromatin and Gene Expression ‧ Gallitto, M., Zhang, Z.
2023-03-17 Broken up but still living together: how ARGONAUTE's retention of cleaved fragments explains its role during chromatin modification [Outlook] Chromatin and Gene Expression, Post-transcriptional Control ‧ Edwards, S. A., Slotkin, R. K.
2023-03-02 Apoptosis, autophagy, and cancer: the critical role Genes & Development played in paradigm shifts [Essays] White, E.
2023-03-02 Terri Grodzicker: 35 years of shaping scientific publishing and communication [Essays] Grosschedl, R.
2023-03-02 My pearl anniversary with Genes & Development, 30 years on... [Essays] Soriano, P.
2023-03-02 Totipotency, development, and chromatin [Essays] Torres-Padilla, M.-E.
2023-03-02 Letter to the Editor [Essays] Proudfoot, N. J.
2023-03-02 Terri Grodzicker: Editor, leader, and friend [Essays] Shilatifard, A.
2023-03-02 Rate my Editor [Essays] de Lange, T.
2023-03-02 How do genomes encode developmental time? [Essays] Raimundo, J., Levine, M.
2023-03-02 You can be an editor too! [Essays] Herr, W.
2023-03-02 Terri Grodzicker: advocate and influencer of impactful science [Essays] Berger, S. L.
2023-03-02 TG and G&D: some thoughts and reminiscences [Essays] Mathews, M. B.
2023-03-02 Terri and G&D: celebrating 50 years of enlightened scientific judgment [Essays] Tjian, R.
2023-03-02 How Terri Grodzicker transformed Genes & Development [Essays] Prives, C.
2023-03-02 Letters to the Editor [Essays] Kadonaga, J. T.
2023-03-02 MYC through the lens of G&D [Essays] Eisenman, R. N.
2023-03-02 Genes and my development [Essays] Lazar, M. A.
2023-03-02 An Editor's rave review [Essays] Elledge, S. J.
2023-03-02 Terri Grodzicker and the making of Genes & Development [Essays] Manley, J.
2023-03-02 Legacy: a tribute to Terri Grodzicker of Genes & Development [Essays] Evans, R. M.
2023-03-02 Terri Grodzicker: the quintessential scientist-Editor [Essays] Reinberg, D.
2023-03-02 A tribute to Terri Grodzicker from an admirer [Essays] Fuchs, E.
2023-03-02 Dr. Terri Grodzicker: leading Genes & Development through 35 years of rapidly advancing molecular biology research [Essays] Smale, S. T.
2023-03-02 Making a journal great: an ode to Terri Grodzicker [Essays] Gasser, S. M.
2023-03-02 Terri Grodzicker and her guidance through the elegance of adenovirus genetics [Essays] Mansour, S. L., Thummel, C. S.
2023-03-02 Traveling with Terri: bacterial communities [Essays] Gottesman, S.
2023-03-02 Reflections on Terri [Essays] Vousden, K.
2023-03-02 An Editor scientists dream of [Essays] Hopkins, N.
2023-03-02 G&D vignettes [Essays] Zaret, K. S.
2023-03-02 Introduction: 35 years on [Introduction] Inglis, J. R.
2022-12-28 Reviewers, Volume 36 (2022) [Reviewers]
2022-12-28 Tandemly repeated genes promote RNAi-mediated heterochromatin formation via an antisilencing factor, Epe1, in fission yeast [Research Papers] Asanuma, T., Inagaki, S., Kakutani, T., Aburatani, H., Murakami, Y.
2022-12-28 Hepatic GATA4 regulates cholesterol and triglyceride homeostasis in collaboration with LXRs [Research Papers] Bideyan, L., Lopez Rodriguez, M., Priest, C., Kennelly, J. P., Gao, Y., Ferrari, A., Rajbhandari, P., Feng, A.-C., Tevosian, S. G., Smale, S. T., Tontonoz, P.
2022-12-28 YAP-VGLL4 antagonism defines the major physiological function of the Hippo signaling effector YAP [Research Papers] Cai, J., Choi, K., Li, H., Pulgar Prieto, K. D., Zheng, Y., Pan, D.
2022-12-28 Oxytocin signaling is necessary for synaptic maturation of adult-born neurons [Research Papers] Pekarek, B. T., Kochukov, M., Lozzi, B., Wu, T., Hunt, P. J., Tepe, B., Hanson Moss, E., Tantry, E. K., Swanson, J. L., Dooling, S. W., Patel, M., Belfort, B. D. W., Romero, J. M., Bao, S., Hill, M. C., Arenkiel, B. R.
2022-12-28 Transcription factors specifically control change [Outlook] Chromatin and Gene Expression, Immunology ‧ Rothenberg, E. V.
2022-12-03 Corrigendum: MEF2 transcription factors are key regulators of sprouting angiogenesis [Errata] Sacilotto, N., Chouliaras, K. M., Nikitenko, L. L., Lu, Y. W., Fritzsche, M., Wallace, M. D., Nornes, S., Garcia-Moreno, F., Payne, S., Bridges, E., Liu, K., Biggs, D., Ratnayaka, I., Herbert, S. P., Molnar, Z., Harris, A. L., Davies, B., Bond, G. L., Bou
2022-12-03 Oct4:Sox2 binding is essential for establishing but not maintaining active and silent states of dynamically regulated genes in pluripotent cells [Research Papers] Lo, J. H.-H., Edwards, M., Langerman, J., Sridharan, R., Plath, K., Smale, S. T.
2022-12-03 PR-DUB preserves Polycomb repression by preventing excessive accumulation of H2Aub1, an antagonist of chromatin compaction [Research Papers] Bonnet, J., Boichenko, I., Kalb, R., Le Jeune, M., Maltseva, S., Pieropan, M., Finkl, K., Fierz, B., Müller, J.
2022-12-03 Xrn2 substrate mapping identifies torpedo loading sites and extensive premature termination of RNA pol II transcription [Research Papers] Cortazar, M. A., Erickson, B., Fong, N., Pradhan, S. J., Ntini, E., Bentley, D. L.
2022-12-03 Goldilocks meets Polycomb [Outlook] Chromatin and Gene Expression ‧ Verrijzer, C. P.
2022-11-09 A synthetic KLHL20 ligand to validate CUL3KLHL20 as a potent E3 ligase for targeted protein degradation [Resource/Methodology] Farrell, B. M., Gerth, F., Yang, C.-H. R., Yeh, J. T.- H.
2022-11-09 Single-molecule identification of the target RNAs of different RNA binding proteins simultaneously in cells [Resource/Methodology] Flamand, M. N., Ke, K., Tamming, R., Meyer, K. D.
2022-11-09 USP7 substrates identified by proteomics analysis reveal the specificity of USP7 [Resource/Methodology] Nie, L., Wang, C., Liu, X., Teng, H., Li, S., Huang, M., Feng, X., Pei, G., Hang, Q., Zhao, Z., Gan, B., Ma, L., Chen, J.
2022-11-09 An integrated SAGA and TFIID PIC assembly pathway selective for poised and induced promoters [Research Papers] Mittal, C., Lang, O., Lai, W. K. M., Pugh, B. F.
2022-11-09 Intrinsically disordered protein regions are required for cell wall homeostasis in Bacillus subtilis [Research Papers] Brunet, Y. R., Habib, C., Brogan, A. P., Artzi, L., Rudner, D. Z.
2022-11-09 TRF1 uses a noncanonical function of TFIIH to promote telomere replication [Research Papers] Yang, Z., Sharma, K., de Lange, T.
2022-11-09 TRIBE-STAMP reveals new insights into the functions of RNA binding proteins [Outlook] Methods and Analysis, Chromatin and Gene Expression ‧ Owens, M. C., Liu, K. F.
2022-11-09 TFIIH moonlighting at telomeres [Outlook] Cell Cycle and DNA Replication, Chromatin and Gene Expression ‧ Glousker, G., Lingner, J.
2022-10-08 Developmentally regulated alternate 3' end cleavage of nascent transcripts controls dynamic changes in protein expression in an adult stem cell lineage [Research Papers] Berry, C. W., Olivares, G. H., Gallicchio, L., Ramaswami, G., Glavic, A., Olguin, P., Li, J. B., Fuller, M. T.
2022-10-08 Modeling diverse genetic subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma with a next-generation alveolar type 2 organoid platform [Resource/Methodology] Naranjo, S., Cabana, C. M., LaFave, L. M., Romero, R., Shanahan, S.-L., Bhutkar, A., Westcott, P. M. K., Schenkel, J. M., Ghosh, A., Liao, L. Z., Del Priore, I., Yang, D., Jacks, T.
2022-10-08 Tnpo3 enables EBF1 function in conditions of antagonistic Notch signaling [Research Papers] Bayer, M., Boller, S., Ramamoothy, S., Zolotarev, N., Cauchy, P., Iwanami, N., Mittler, G., Boehm, T., Grosschedl, R.

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