

1. China's Chang'e-6 launches successfully — what happens next? Ling Xin
2. How rich is too rich? Lucas Chancel
3. Puppy-dog eyes in wild canines sparks rethink on dog evolution Gillian Dohrn
4. Daniel Kahneman obituary: psychologist who revolutionized the way we think about thinking Eldar Shafir
5. Who’s making chips for AI? Chinese manufacturers lag behind US tech giants Jonathan O'Callaghan
6. Dark energy is tearing the Universe apart. What if the force is weakening? Davide Castelvecchi
7. Smarty plants? Controversial plant-intelligence studies explored in new book Beronda L. Montgomery
8. France’s research mega-campus faces leadership crisis Barbara Casassus
9. Hunger on campus: why US PhD students are fighting over food Laurie Udesky
10. Mount Etna’s spectacular smoke rings and more — April’s best science images Emma Stoye
11. Streamlined skull helps foxes take a nosedive Mary Abraham
12. From multiverses to cities: Books in brief Andrew Robinson
13. Author Correction: Stepwise activation of a metabotropic glutamate receptor Kaavya Krishna Kumar
14. Changing rainforest to plantations shifts tropical food webs
15. A quantum solid made of electrons: observing the elusive Wigner crystal
16. US National Academies report outlines barriers and solutions for scientist carers Amanda Heidt
17. UTIs make life miserable — scientists are finding new ways to tackle them Carissa Wong
18. Never mind little green men: life on other planets might be purple
19. ‘Orangutan, heal thyself’: First wild animal seen using medicinal plant Gayathri Vaidyanathan
20. A deconstruction-reconstruction strategy for pyrimidine diversification Benjamin J. H. Uhlenbruck
21. My PI yelled at me and I’m devastated. What do I do? Nikki Forrester
22. Support communities that will lose out in the energy transition
23. Mechanics of human embryo compaction Julie Firmin
24. A snapshot of Lithuania’s life-sciences landscape Jacqui Thornton
25. Resilience lessons from ancient societies are still relevant today John Haldon
26. Stereoselective amino acid synthesis by photobiocatalytic oxidative coupling Tian-Ci Wang
27. Male–female comparisons are powerful in biomedical research — don’t abandon them Arthur P. Arnold
28. Why it’s essential to study sex and gender, even as tensions rise
29. Chromatin accessibility during human first-trimester neurodevelopment Camiel C. A. Mannens
30. Controversial virus-hunting scientist skewered at US COVID-origins hearing Mariana Lenharo
31. We need more-nuanced approaches to exploring sex and gender in research Stacey A. Ritz
32. Scientists tried to give people COVID — and failed Ewen Callaway
33. Chinese virologist who was first to share COVID-19 genome sleeps on street after lab shuts Smriti Mallapaty
34. How I’m supporting other researchers who have moved to Lithuania Jacqui Thornton
35. Temporal dynamics of the multi-omic response to endurance exercise training David Amar
36. Genomics reveal unknown mutation-promoting agents at global sites Irene Franco
37. Mitochondrial transfer mediates endothelial cell engraftment through mitophagy Ruei-Zeng Lin
38. How bioinformatics led one scientist home to Lithuania Jacqui Thornton
39. Bevel-edge epitaxy of ferroelectric rhombohedral boron nitride single crystal Li Wang
40. Structural and molecular basis of choline uptake into the brain by FLVCR2 Rosemary J. Cater
41. Frequent disturbances enhanced the resilience of past human populations Philip Riris
42. A body–brain circuit that regulates body inflammatory responses Hao Jin
43. Multimodal decoding of human liver regeneration K. P. Matchett
44. Magnetic field effects on behaviour in <i>Drosophila</i> Steven M. Reppert
45. Endurance exercise causes a multi-organ full-body molecular reaction
46. A magnetic liquid makes for an injectable sensor in living tissue
47. Intel brings quantum-computing microchips a step closer Ruoyu Li
48. Pandemic lockdowns were less of a shock for people with fewer ties
49. Plagiarism in peer-review reports could be the ‘tip of the iceberg’ Jackson Ryan
50. Dad’s microbiome can affect offspring’s health — in mice Benjamin Thompson
51. I fell out of love with the lab, and in love with business Jacqui Thornton
52. Sex and gender discussions don't need to be toxic Lucy Odling-Smee
53. How to meet Africa’s grand challenges with African know-how Alfred R. Bizoza
54. Magnetic field responses in <i>Drosophila</i> Charalambos P. Kyriacou
55. Daily briefing: What scientists think of Netflix’s 3 Body Problem Flora Graham
56. Bassetto&#xa0;et al.&#xa0;reply Marco Bassetto
57. Found: the dial in the brain that controls the immune system Giorgia Guglielmi
58. Paternal microbiome perturbations impact offspring fitness Ayele Argaw-Denboba
59. The AI tuner Joanna Friedman
60. Sleep pressure modulates single-neuron synapse number in zebrafish Anya Suppermpool
61. Allen J. Bard obituary: electrochemist whose techniques underpin clinical diagnostics, materials discovery and more Michael Rose
62. Structural basis of lipid head group entry to the Kennedy pathway by FLVCR1 Yeeun Son
63. Cells destroy donated mitochondria to build blood vessels Chantell S. Evans
64. Probing single electrons across 300-mm spin qubit wafers Samuel Neyens
65. Why is exercise good for you? Scientists are finding answers in our cells Gemma Conroy
66. Airway hillocks are injury-resistant reservoirs of unique plastic stem cells Brian Lin
67. Dad’s gut microbes matter for pregnancy health and baby’s growth Liisa Veerus
68. Geographic variation of mutagenic exposures in kidney cancer genomes Sergey Senkin
69. 3D genomic mapping reveals multifocality of human pancreatic precancers Alicia M. Braxton
70. Climate-targets group should rescind its endorsement of carbon offsets William R. L. Anderegg
71. Zoos should focus on animal welfare before claiming to champion conservation Donald Broom
72. Corrosion is a global menace to crucial infrastructure — act to stop the rot now Weichen Xu
73. Not just truffles: dogs can sniff out surpassingly rare native fungus
74. How to stop students cramming for exams? Send them to sea
75. Why it was right to reject the Anthropocene as a geological epoch Mark Maslin
更新于 23 分钟前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-05-06 How rich is too rich? Lucas Chancel
2024-05-06 China's Chang'e-6 launches successfully — what happens next? Ling Xin
2024-05-06 Puppy-dog eyes in wild canines sparks rethink on dog evolution Gillian Dohrn
2024-05-04 Streamlined skull helps foxes take a nosedive Mary Abraham
2024-05-04 Daniel Kahneman obituary: psychologist who revolutionized the way we think about thinking Eldar Shafir
2024-05-04 Changing rainforest to plantations shifts tropical food webs
2024-05-04 A quantum solid made of electrons: observing the elusive Wigner crystal
2024-05-04 Author Correction: Stepwise activation of a metabotropic glutamate receptor Kaavya Krishna Kumar
2024-05-03 Who’s making chips for AI? Chinese manufacturers lag behind US tech giants Jonathan O'Callaghan
2024-05-03 Mount Etna’s spectacular smoke rings and more — April’s best science images Emma Stoye
2024-05-03 Smarty plants? Controversial plant-intelligence studies explored in new book Beronda L. Montgomery
2024-05-03 France’s research mega-campus faces leadership crisis Barbara Casassus
2024-05-03 Hunger on campus: why US PhD students are fighting over food Laurie Udesky
2024-05-03 Dark energy is tearing the Universe apart. What if the force is weakening? Davide Castelvecchi
2024-05-03 From multiverses to cities: Books in brief Andrew Robinson
2024-05-03 US National Academies report outlines barriers and solutions for scientist carers Amanda Heidt
2024-05-03 My PI yelled at me and I’m devastated. What do I do? Nikki Forrester
2024-05-03 ‘Orangutan, heal thyself’: First wild animal seen using medicinal plant Gayathri Vaidyanathan
2024-05-03 A deconstruction-reconstruction strategy for pyrimidine diversification Benjamin J. H. Uhlenbruck
2024-05-02 UTIs make life miserable — scientists are finding new ways to tackle them Carissa Wong
2024-05-02 Never mind little green men: life on other planets might be purple
2024-05-02 Daily briefing: What scientists think of Netflix’s 3 Body Problem Flora Graham
2024-05-02 Daily briefing: First fetus-to-fetus transplant in rats Flora Graham
2024-05-02 Daily briefing: Bird flu has been spreading undetected in US cattle for months Flora Graham
2024-05-02 Controversial virus-hunting scientist skewered at US COVID-origins hearing Mariana Lenharo
2024-05-02 Pandemic lockdowns were less of a shock for people with fewer ties
2024-05-02 A magnetic liquid makes for an injectable sensor in living tissue
2024-05-02 Found: the dial in the brain that controls the immune system Giorgia Guglielmi
2024-05-01 We need more-nuanced approaches to exploring sex and gender in research Stacey A. Ritz
2024-05-01 Plagiarism in peer-review reports could be the ‘tip of the iceberg’ Jackson Ryan
2024-05-01 Endurance exercise causes a multi-organ full-body molecular reaction
2024-05-01 Intel brings quantum-computing microchips a step closer Ruoyu Li
2024-05-01 Male–female comparisons are powerful in biomedical research — don’t abandon them Arthur P. Arnold
2024-05-01 Resilience lessons from ancient societies are still relevant today John Haldon
2024-05-01 Sleep pressure modulates single-neuron synapse number in zebrafish Anya Suppermpool
2024-05-01 Structural basis of lipid head group entry to the Kennedy pathway by FLVCR1 Yeeun Son
2024-05-01 Bassetto&#xa0;et al.&#xa0;reply Marco Bassetto
2024-05-01 Paternal microbiome perturbations impact offspring fitness Ayele Argaw-Denboba
2024-05-01 Magnetic field responses in <i>Drosophila</i> Charalambos P. Kyriacou
2024-05-01 Sex and gender discussions don't need to be toxic Lucy Odling-Smee
2024-05-01 Dad’s microbiome can affect offspring’s health — in mice Benjamin Thompson
2024-05-01 Genomics reveal unknown mutation-promoting agents at global sites Irene Franco
2024-05-01 Probing single electrons across 300-mm spin qubit wafers Samuel Neyens
2024-05-01 Airway hillocks are injury-resistant reservoirs of unique plastic stem cells Brian Lin
2024-05-01 Geographic variation of mutagenic exposures in kidney cancer genomes Sergey Senkin
2024-05-01 Mechanics of human embryo compaction Julie Firmin
2024-05-01 Temporal dynamics of the multi-omic response to endurance exercise training David Amar
2024-05-01 3D genomic mapping reveals multifocality of human pancreatic precancers Alicia M. Braxton
2024-05-01 Chromatin accessibility during human first-trimester neurodevelopment Camiel C. A. Mannens
2024-05-01 Bevel-edge epitaxy of ferroelectric rhombohedral boron nitride single crystal Li Wang
2024-05-01 Why it’s essential to study sex and gender, even as tensions rise
2024-05-01 Mitochondrial transfer mediates endothelial cell engraftment through mitophagy Ruei-Zeng Lin
2024-05-01 Frequent disturbances enhanced the resilience of past human populations Philip Riris
2024-05-01 Allen J. Bard obituary: electrochemist whose techniques underpin clinical diagnostics, materials discovery and more Michael Rose
2024-05-01 Structural and molecular basis of choline uptake into the brain by FLVCR2 Rosemary J. Cater
2024-05-01 Magnetic field effects on behaviour in <i>Drosophila</i> Steven M. Reppert
2024-05-01 Multimodal decoding of human liver regeneration K. P. Matchett
2024-05-01 Why is exercise good for you? Scientists are finding answers in our cells Gemma Conroy
2024-05-01 Stereoselective amino acid synthesis by photobiocatalytic oxidative coupling Tian-Ci Wang
2024-05-01 Dad’s gut microbes matter for pregnancy health and baby’s growth Liisa Veerus
2024-05-01 Cells destroy donated mitochondria to build blood vessels Chantell S. Evans
2024-05-01 A body–brain circuit that regulates body inflammatory responses Hao Jin
2024-05-01 The AI tuner Joanna Friedman
2024-05-01 AI &amp; robotics briefing: What running robots tell us about gaits Katrina Krämer
2024-05-01 Support communities that will lose out in the energy transition
2024-05-01 How bioinformatics led one scientist home to Lithuania Jacqui Thornton
2024-05-01 A snapshot of Lithuania’s life-sciences landscape Jacqui Thornton
2024-05-01 How to meet Africa’s grand challenges with African know-how Alfred R. Bizoza
2024-05-01 I fell out of love with the lab, and in love with business Jacqui Thornton
2024-05-01 How I’m supporting other researchers who have moved to Lithuania Jacqui Thornton
2024-05-01 Scientists tried to give people COVID — and failed Ewen Callaway
2024-05-01 Chinese virologist who was first to share COVID-19 genome sleeps on street after lab shuts Smriti Mallapaty
2024-05-01 This social sciences hub galvanized India’s dynamic growth. Can it survive? Michele Catanzaro
2024-05-01 The science of <i>3 Body Problem</i>: what’s fact and what’s fiction? Sumeet Kulkarni
2024-05-01 Not just truffles: dogs can sniff out surpassingly rare native fungus
2024-04-30 How to stop students cramming for exams? Send them to sea
2024-04-30 Why doing science is difficult in India today haltingproblem
2024-04-30 Do cutting-edge CAR-T-cell therapies cause cancer? What the data say Cassandra Willyard
2024-04-30 Corrosion is a global menace to crucial infrastructure — act to stop the rot now Weichen Xu
2024-04-30 Climate-targets group should rescind its endorsement of carbon offsets William R. L. Anderegg
2024-04-30 Zoos should focus on animal welfare before claiming to champion conservation Donald Broom
2024-04-30 Why it was right to reject the Anthropocene as a geological epoch Mark Maslin
2024-04-30 What China’s mission to collect rocks from the Moon’s far side could reveal Ling Xin
2024-04-30 First fetus-to-fetus transplant demonstrated in rats Smriti Mallapaty
2024-04-30 'ChatGPT for CRISPR' creates new gene-editing tools jonbaer
2024-04-30 Epic blazes threaten Arctic permafrost. Can firefighters save it? Jeff Tollefson
2024-04-30 How reliable is this research? Tool flags papers discussed on PubPeer Dalmeet Singh Chawla
2024-04-29 Elephant-nose fish ‘see’ farther by electric sensing when in groups
2024-04-29 Author Correction: Targeting DCAF5 suppresses <i>SMARCB1</i>-mutant cancer by stabilizing SWI/SNF Sandi Radko-Juettner
2024-04-29 Daily briefing: Gaze upon the most detailed Moon maps ever made Flora Graham
2024-04-29 I strive to make the Great Barrier Reef more resilient to heat stress James Mitchell Crow
2024-04-29 Superconductivity hunt gets boost from China’s $220 million physics ‘playground’ Gemma Conroy
2024-04-29 85 million cells — and counting — at your fingertips Jeffrey M. Perkel
2024-04-27 Bird flu virus has been spreading among US cows for months, RNA reveals Smriti Mallapaty
2024-04-27 Want to make a difference? Try working at an environmental non-profit organization Natasha Gilbert
2024-04-27 Could a rare mutation that causes dwarfism also slow ageing? Mariana Lenharo
2024-04-26 Daily briefing: How an unlikely friendship with Jung influenced Pauli’s physics Flora Graham
2024-04-26 Audio long read: Why loneliness is bad for your health Springer Nature Limited
2024-04-26 Daily briefing: The origins of bioluminescence in animals date back over half a billion years Flora Graham
2024-04-26 Future of Humanity Institute shuts: what’s next for ‘deep future’ research? David Adam

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