Martin Fowler


1. photostream 130 photostream ‧ Martin Fowler
2. Using data replication in legacy displacement skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
3. Creating Seams in a Mainframe's Batch Pipelines skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
4. Uncovering Seams in a Mainframe's external interfaces skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
5. Joining LinkedIn Martin Fowler
6. Farewell, John Kordyback Martin Fowler
7. Uncovering Seams in a Mainframe's external interfaces skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
8. Uncovering the seams in Mainframes for Incremental Modernisation Martin Fowler
9. How to capture qualitative metrics skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
10. Code samples for the opening chapter of Refactoring Martin Fowler
11. The Benefits of Qualitative Metrics skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
12. Measuring Developer Productivity via Humans Martin Fowler
13. What if we rotate pairs every day? Martin Fowler
14. Patterns of Legacy Displacement: Event Interception Martin Fowler
15. Bliki: Periodic Face-to-Face bliki ‧ Martin Fowler
16. Engineering Practices for LLM Application Development Martin Fowler
17. Onboarding bottleneck: final installment skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
18. Onboarding bottleneck: more steps for good onboarding skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
19. Improving my Emacs experience with completion Martin Fowler
20. Onboarding bottleneck: creating a path to effectiveness skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
21. Bottlenecks of Scaleups #06: Onboarding Martin Fowler
22. A major revision of Continuous Integration Martin Fowler
23. Bliki: Legacy Seam bliki ‧ Martin Fowler
24. My favorite musical discoveries of 2023 Martin Fowler
25. Bliki: Software And Engineering bliki ‧ Martin Fowler
26. Bliki: Test Driven Development bliki ‧ Martin Fowler
27. Bliki: Diff Debugging bliki ‧ Martin Fowler
28. How to tackle unreliability of coding assistants Martin Fowler
29. Patterns of Distributed Systems is published by Pearson Martin Fowler
30. Three reasons a liberal arts degree helped me succeed in tech Martin Fowler
更新于 26 分钟前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-04-22 photostream 130 photostream ‧ Martin Fowler
2024-03-29 Joining LinkedIn Martin Fowler
2024-03-28 Farewell, John Kordyback Martin Fowler
2024-03-26 Using data replication in legacy displacement skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2023-08-23 Demo Front-End: A front-end application to test and explore an API Martin Fowler
2023-08-22 Bottlenecks of Scaleups #05: Resilience and Observability Martin Fowler
2023-08-16 Bottlenecks of Scaleups Webinar: Sep 7 2023 skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2023-08-15 We will miss Stefan Tilkov Martin Fowler
2023-07-31 Final parts of the cost bottleneck of scaleups skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2023-07-25 Bliki: TeamTopologies bliki ‧ Martin Fowler
2023-07-25 Bliki: TwoPizzaTeam bliki ‧ Martin Fowler
2023-07-19 How platform teams get stuff done Martin Fowler
2023-07-19 Decentralizing the Practice of Architecture at Xapo Bank Martin Fowler
2023-06-29 Building Boba AI: Some lessons and patterns learnt in building an LLM-powered generative application Martin Fowler
2023-06-13 Linking Modular Architecture to Development Teams Martin Fowler
2023-05-30 Privacy Enhancing Technologies: An Introduction for Technologists Martin Fowler
2023-05-24 Dependency Composition Martin Fowler
2023-05-20 Emacs xref stopped working on Macs with dumb-jump Martin Fowler
2023-04-26 Using ChatGPT as a technical writing assistant Martin Fowler
2023-04-25 What Does a Technical Author Look Like? Martin Fowler
2023-04-13 An example of LLM prompting for programming Martin Fowler
2023-04-04 Slack in your plans Martin Fowler
2023-03-02 Brass Birmingham becomes #1 on BoardGameGeek Martin Fowler
2023-02-18 Shaky Twitter Two-Factor Authentication Interaction Martin Fowler
2023-02-15 Retrospectives Antipatterns Martin Fowler
2023-02-07 Modularizing React Applications with Established UI Patterns crazysaem
2023-01-12 My favorite musical discoveries of 2022 Martin Fowler
2023-01-06 Remaining activities for the Data Mesh Accelerate Workshop skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2023-01-06 Data Mesh Accelerate Workshop Martin Fowler
2022-12-08 Installing Orbi Wifi Mesh broke my Sonos Martin Fowler
2022-12-04 photostream 129 photostream ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-12-02 The impact of a product delivery culture at Etsy skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-11-17 Consequences of Etsy's move to the cloud skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-11-08 Your organization should run its own Mastodon server Martin Fowler
2022-11-03 An appeal to Americans who aren't inclined to vote in the midterm elections Martin Fowler
2022-11-02 Comparing Engagement on Twitter and the Fediverse Martin Fowler
2022-10-20 Bliki: ConwaysLaw bliki ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-10-11 Negotiate a balanced product investment mix skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-09-10 Request Waiting List skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-09-07 Request Batch skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-08-25 Key-Range Partitions skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-08-24 Fixed Partitions skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-08-18 Emergent Leader skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-08-17 Clock-Bound Wait Martin Fowler
2022-07-20 Advocate, educator, and authorial stance Martin Fowler
2022-07-07 Legacy Displacement: Revert to Source Martin Fowler
2022-06-14 Product Backlog Building Canvas Martin Fowler
2022-04-29 Agile Book Club interview on Refactoring Martin Fowler
2022-04-26 How I use Twitter Martin Fowler
2022-04-20 photostream 128 photostream ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-03-29 Transitional Architecture Martin Fowler
2022-03-11 Investing in the hiring process skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-03-08 How to get out of the tech debt bottleneck skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Divert the Flow Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Critical Aggregator Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Legacy Mimic: a new component that looks like an old one Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 My favorite musical discoveries of 2021 Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 photostream 127 photostream ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Using the Four Key Metrics to assess an infrastructure platform skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Two Phase Commit Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Replicated Log: synchronize multiple nodes with a write-ahead log Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Paxos: using two consensus-building phases to handle unreliable nodes Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 How the advice process works in practice skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Treat integration as strategic to your business skip-home-page ‧ Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Bliki: DefaultTrialRetire bliki ‧ Evan Bottcher
2022-02-14 The strong and weak forces of architecture Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Compliance in a DevOps Culture Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Foreword to "The Art of Agile Development" Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Responsible Tech Playbook Martin Fowler
2022-02-14 Ship / Show / Ask (2021) thunderbong
2022-02-14 What I'm up to now Martin Fowler

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