Trail of Bits Blog


1. The life and times of an Abstract Syntax Tree Compilers ‧ Trail of Bits
2. Curvance: Invariants unleashed Audits ‧ Trail of Bits
3. Announcing two new LMS libraries Cryptography ‧ Trail of Bits
4. 5 reasons to strive for better disclosure processes Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
5. Introducing Ruzzy, a coverage-guided Ruby fuzzer Application Security ‧ Trail of Bits
6. Why fuzzing over formal verification? Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
7. Streamline your static analysis triage with SARIF Explorer Static Analysis ‧ Trail of Bits
8. Read code like a pro with our weAudit VSCode extension Tool Release ‧ Trail of Bits
9. Releasing the Attacknet: A new tool for finding bugs in blockchain nodes using chaos testing Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
10. Secure your blockchain project from the start Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
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近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-05-02 The life and times of an Abstract Syntax Tree Compilers ‧ Trail of Bits
2024-04-30 Curvance: Invariants unleashed Audits ‧ Trail of Bits
2024-04-26 Announcing two new LMS libraries Cryptography ‧ Trail of Bits
2024-04-15 5 reasons to strive for better disclosure processes Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2024-03-29 Introducing Ruzzy, a coverage-guided Ruby fuzzer Application Security ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-08-29 Secure your Apollo GraphQL server with Semgrep Semgrep ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-08-28 iVerify is now an independent company! iVerify ‧ Dan Guido
2023-08-23 The Engineer’s Guide to Blockchain Finality Vulnerability Disclosure ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-08-14 Can you pass the Rekt test? Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-08-09 Use our suite of eBPF libraries Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-08-02 A mistake in the bulletproofs paper could have led to the theft of millions of dollars Cryptography ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-07-31 How AI will affect cybersecurity: What we told the CFTC Machine Learning ‧ Dan Guido
2023-07-28 The future of Clang-based tooling Compilers ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-07-26 Announcing the Trail of Bits Testing Handbook Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-07-21 Fuzzing on-chain contracts with Echidna Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-07-19 Trail of Bits’s Response to OSTP National Priorities for AI RFI Machine Learning ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-07-14 Evaluating blockchain security maturity Audits ‧ Dan Guido
2023-07-12 What we told the CFTC about blockchain threats Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-07-07 Differential fuzz testing upgradeable smart contracts with Diffusc Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-07-05 Differential fuzz testing upgradeable smart contracts with Diffusc Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-06-16 Trail of Bits’s Response to NTIA AI Accountability RFC Machine Learning ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-06-15 Finding bugs in C code with Multi-Level IR and VAST Compilers ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-05-23 Trusted publishing: a new benchmark for packaging security Ecosystem Security ‧ William Woodruff
2023-05-16 Real World Crypto 2023 Recap Conferences ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-05-15 Introducing Windows Notification Facility’s (WNF) Code Integrity Research Practice ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-04-25 What should governments consider when getting involved with blockchain? Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-04-20 Typos that omit security features and how to test for them Audits ‧ Dominik 'disconnect3d' Czarnota
2023-04-18 A Winter’s Tale: Improving messages and types in GDB’s Python API Internship Projects ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-03-31 How to avoid the aCropalypse Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-03-22 Can you pass The Rekt Test? Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-03-22 Codex (and GPT-4) can’t beat humans on smart contract audits Blockchain ‧ Dan Guido
2023-03-21 Circomspect has more passes! Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-03-14 We need a new way to measure AI security Audits ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-02-27 Reusable properties for Ethereum contracts Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-02-23 Escaping well-configured VSCode extensions (for profit) Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-02-21 Escaping misconfigured VSCode extensions Exploits ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-02-16 Readline crime: exploiting a SUID logic bug Attacks ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-02-14 cURL audit: How a joke led to significant findings Audits ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-01-19 Harnessing the eBPF Verifier Internship Projects ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-01-17 Introducing RPC Investigator Engineering Practice ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-01-13 Announcing a stable release of sigstore-python Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2023-01-12 Keeping the wolves out of wolfSSL Cryptography ‧ tobgreg
2023-01-10 Another prolific year of open-source contributions Year in Review ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-12-23 How to share what you’ve learned from our audits Audits ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-12-22 Fast and accurate syntax searching for C and C++ Compilers ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-12-20 What child is this? Program Analysis ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-12-15 How I gave ManticoreUI a makeover Manticore ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-12-13 Manticore GUIs made easy Binary Ninja ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-12-08 Hybrid fuzzing: Sharpening the spikes of Echidna Fuzzing ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-11-29 Specialized Zero-Knowledge Proof failures Cryptography ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-11-15 ABI compatibility in Python: How hard could it be? Audits ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-11-14 We’re streamers now Education ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-11-10 Look out! Divergent representations are everywhere! Binary Ninja ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-11-08 We sign code now Cryptography ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-10-25 Stranger Strings: An exploitable flaw in SQLite Attacks ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-10-18 We do Windows now Careers ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-10-12 Porting the Solana eBPF JIT compiler to ARM64 Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-10-05 Working on blockchains as a Trail of Bits intern Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-10-03 Secure your machine learning with Semgrep Machine Learning ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-09-15 It pays to be Circomspect Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-08-25 Magnifier: An Experiment with Interactive Decompilation Internship Projects ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-08-17 Using mutants to improve Slither Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-08-12 The road to the apprenticeship Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-07-28 Shedding smart contract storage with Slither Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-07-01 libmagic: The Blathering Uncategorized ‧ Evan Sultanik
2022-06-30 A Typical Day as a Trail of Bits Engineer-Consultant Careers ‧ Nick Selby
2022-06-28 The Trail of Bits Hiring Process Meta ‧ Nick Selby
2022-06-24 Managing risk in blockchain deployments Blockchain ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-06-21 Are blockchains decentralized? DARPA ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-06-21 Announcing the new Trail of Bits podcast Meta ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-06-09 Themes from PyCon US 2022 Conferences ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-05-17 Interactive decompilation with rellic-xref Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-05-03 Themes from Real World Crypto 2022 Compilers ‧ William Woodruff
2022-04-26 Improving the state of go-fuzz Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-04-20 Amarna: Static analysis for Cairo programs Cryptography ‧ fcasal
2022-04-18 The Frozen Heart vulnerability in PlonK Uncategorized ‧ James Miller
2022-04-15 The Frozen Heart vulnerability in Bulletproofs Uncategorized ‧ James Miller
2022-04-14 The Frozen Heart vulnerability in Girault’s proof of knowledge Uncategorized ‧ James Miller
2022-04-13 Coordinated disclosure of vulnerabilities affecting Girault, Bulletproofs, and PlonK Uncategorized ‧ James Miller
2022-03-25 Towards Practical Security Optimizations for Binaries Attacks ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-03-02 Optimizing a smart contract fuzzer Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-02-23 Maat: Symbolic execution made easy Symbolic Execution ‧ Boyan MILANOV
2022-02-01 Part 2: Improving crypto code in Rust using LLVM’s optnone Cryptography ‧ Henrik Brodin
2022-01-26 Part 1: The life of an optimization barrier Cryptography ‧ Fredrik Dahlgren
2022-01-19 C your data structures with rellic-headergen Uncategorized ‧ Trail of Bits
2022-01-11 Finding unhandled errors using CodeQL CodeQL ‧ Fredrik Dahlgren
2022-01-05 Toward a Best-of-Both-Worlds Binary Disassembler Research Practice ‧ Trail of Bits
2021-12-31 Celebrating our 2021 Open Source Contributions Uncategorized ‧ Sam Moelius
2021-12-21 Disclosing Shamir’s Secret Sharing vulnerabilities and announcing ZKDocs Uncategorized ‧ James Miller
2021-12-17 Detecting MISO and Opyn’s msg.value reuse vulnerability with Slither Attacks ‧ Trail of Bits
2021-12-16 What does your code use, and is it vulnerable? It-depends (2021) O__________O
2021-11-17 MUI: Visualizing symbolic execution with Manticore and Binary Ninja Binary Ninja ‧ Trail of Bits
2021-11-12 How to choose an interesting project Uncategorized ‧ Trent Brunson
2021-11-12 Motivating global stabilization Uncategorized ‧ Trent Brunson
2021-11-10 Announcing osquery 5: Now with EndpointSecurity on macOS Uncategorized ‧ Trent Brunson
2021-11-10 All your tracing are belong to BPF Uncategorized ‧ Trent Brunson
2021-11-09 PrivacyRaven: Implementing a proof of concept for model inversion Uncategorized ‧ Trent Brunson
2021-11-09 Write Rust lints without forking Clippy Uncategorized ‧ Trent Brunson
2021-11-09 Discovering goroutine leaks with Semgrep Uncategorized ‧ Trent Brunson
2021-04-02 Solar: Context-free, interactive analysis for Solidity Blockchain ‧ Trent Brunson

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