Sec-News 安全文摘

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-05-06 The Monsters in Your Build Cache – GitHub Actions Cache Poisoning
2024-05-06 Send()-ing Myself Belated Christmas Gifts -'s Environment Variables & GHES Shell
2024-05-05 JDK 17+ FreeMarker SSTI:从 CVE-2023-4450 复现引出 MethodHandle 句柄、named module 机制研究
2024-05-03 ​Java 应用安全之 JEB Floating License 绕过
2024-04-30 云上黑暗森林:打爆云账单,只需要S3桶名
2024-04-27 NTFS Filesystem: Alternate Data Stream (ADS)
2024-04-27 Rust下的二进制漏洞 CVE-2024-27284 分析
2024-04-27 CrushFTP后利用提权分析(CVE-2024-4040)
2024-04-27 浅析CrushFTP之VFS逃逸
2024-04-27 Examining the Deception infrastructure in place behind
2024-04-25 The Family of Safe Golang Libraries is Growing!
2024-04-24 The Hole in Sandbox: Escape Modern Web-Based App Sandbox From Site-Isolation Perspective
2024-04-20 CVE-2024-3400 Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS命令注入漏洞
2024-04-19 Palo Alto CVE-2024-3400 漏洞分析
2024-04-18 AliyunCTF2024-chain17 详解
2024-04-18 Palo Alto - Putting The Protecc In GlobalProtect (CVE-2024-3400)
2024-04-16 二次反序列化 看我一命通关
2024-04-15 Making desync attacks easy with TRACE
2024-04-15 Electron 安全与你我息息相关
2024-04-12 当Nashorn失去括号:非典型Java命令执行绕过
2024-04-11 A trick, the story of CVE-2024-26230
2024-04-11 VxWorks 启动流程及溢出测试分析
2024-04-11 How we escalated a DOM XSS to a sophisticated 1-click Account Takeover for $8000 - Part 2
2024-04-11 How we escalated a DOM XSS to a sophisticated 1-click Account Takeover for $8000 - Part 1
2024-04-08 利用shell脚本变量构造无字母数字命令
2024-04-08 第二届AliyunCTF官方writeup
2024-04-08 VirusTotal食用指南(非付费项目)
2024-04-06 The architecture of SAST tools: An explainer for developers
2024-04-05 CVE-2024-3116 – Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in pgAdmin - PostgreSQL Tools (<=8.4): Detailed Analysis Report
2024-04-04 Android Jetpack Navigation: Deep Links Handling Exploitation
2024-04-04 MetaMask从插件文件中恢复助记词
2024-04-04 Analyzing the MiniDLNA Http Chunk Parsing Vulnerability (CVE-2023-33476)
2024-04-04 PHP之殇 : 一个IR设计缺陷引发的蝴蝶效应
2024-04-04 JDK17+反射限制绕过
2024-04-03 xz-utils后门漏洞 CVE-2024-3094 分析
2024-04-02 xzbot: notes, honeypot, and exploit demo for the xz backdoor (CVE-2024-3094)
2024-04-02 liblzma后门疑似国家级APT
2024-04-02 Everything I know about the XZ backdoor
2024-04-02 Bypassing DOMPurify with good old XML
2024-04-01 Java安全攻防之Spring Cloud Gateway攻击Redis
2024-04-01 JumpServer 漏洞复现(CVE-2024-29201&CVE-2024-29202)
2024-03-31 liblzma / xz 被植入后门,Jia Tan 是何方神圣

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