独立开发 12个
1 那些年招聘的故事 / 事故(8.5 已更新) 7.7K
2 「疫期·职场」老板让辞职?停工停薪?涉疫劳动纠纷看这里! 5.1K
3 说一说程序员的职业规划 14.8K
4 失业 128 天(6 月 18 日更新,完结撒花) 16.8K
5 说说“下岗抑郁症” 6.4K
6 私房 HR 面试总结 5.5K
7 如果不是“被请走”,会主动离职吗?为什么? 6.2K
8 转发脉脉小姐姐心路历程 5.7K
9 #补个故事# 我的维权史……(略长) 5.2K
10 失业第 128 天她得了抑郁症 8.8K
11 解压 10 大妙招 + 征集更多方式 4.6K
12 一点小感慨 6K
13 “被优化”后的小问题 -- 五险一金怎么办? 7K
14 硬核向:谈一谈“标准工时制”和“不定时工时制” 5.7K
15 低级平面设计,面经阶段总结。。 4.1K
16 996,谈谈我的想法 5.5K
17 Java 面试总结 4.6K
18 【分享】为什么在互联网企业最尴尬的是中层? 5K
19 被裁员在家后要不要领失业金? 5.6K
20 希望能每天都有一个小作品 19K
21 🎈『活动』最棒的 ME!聊天室夸夸互动第 001 期 3.3K
22 [☕️离职先旅行📚]——体验一下新技能 3.9K
23 [🌲 离职先旅行✈️]--先导篇 4.1K
24 如果你真的“被优化”了,希望可以帮到你 8.7K
25 记录一次 Java 技术面试题 4.5K
26 🎈『活动』快把“皂片”带走!我居然长这样? 5.8K
27 ⏰ 自律⏰ 前 CEO 带你打卡起床 -- 内有监控请自律 7.6K
28 写在上线时:我们都是同类(路)人 4.4K
29 💝 「loseRUNion」指南 6.7K
6 分钟前
1 BMPI周记008:设止损而勇试错
2 BMPI周记007:经济下行
3 BMPI周记006:时光机
4 BMPI周记005:直播小完结
5 BMPI周记004:不要做空
6 BMPI周记003:十年前的今天
7 BMPI周记002:交易之难
8 BMPI周记001:开始直播
9 对交易的思考
10 AI驱动开发:从Prompt到Product(直播)
11 策引全球投资组合:美股1号
12 策引全球投资组合:加密币2号
13 策引全球投资组合:加密币1号
14 策引全球投资组合:A股全球
15 策引全球投资组合:A股3号
16 策引全球投资组合:A股2号
17 策引全球投资组合:美股全球
18 策引全球投资组合:美股3号
19 策引全球投资组合:美股4号
20 策引全球投资组合:A股1号
21 策引全球投资组合:美股2号
22 全球投资开户完全指南:A股与美股篇
23 我的2023
24 全球经济中的隐形巨人
25 海外银行证券开户薅羊毛小记
26 我与ChatGPT结对编程的体验
27 ChatGPT背后的语言模型简史
28 ChatGPT应用开发小记
29 我的AI阅读助手
30 SQLite的文艺复兴
31 2022亏了多少 # 组合季报(2022Q4)
32 我的2022
33 AI降临
34 构建自己的信息简报
35 善用GitHub
36 Real-time Web应用开发新体验
37 我的巨亏经历 # 组合季报(2022Q3)
38 Google软件工程之工具篇
39 构建自己的杠杆
40 我的投资助手
41 Google软件工程之过程篇
42 Google软件工程之文化篇
43 交易之难 # 组合季报(2022Q2)
44 从技术难题中学习
45 编程语言是如何实现并发的之并发模型篇
46 疫情与战争 # 组合季报(2022Q1)
47 编程语言是如何实现并发的之操作系统篇
48 编程语言是如何实现泛型的
49 写在第二十五万字
50 走进 Web3
51 财富常识
52 复盘2021 # 组合季报(2021Q4)
53 我的2021
54 分布式系统中的时间
55 分布式系统下的认证与授权
56 如何学习一门技术
57 K8S 云原生应用开发小记
58 使用 Beancount 管理家庭财务
59 三周年小记 # 组合月报(202109)
60 仓位管理是核心 # 组合月报(202108)
61 云端 IDE
62 护城河还在但城没了 # 组合月报(202107)
63 构建高质量的信息输入渠道
64 最牛指数 # 组合月报(202106)
65 国际化与本地化
66 慢慢变富 # 组合月报(202105)
67 失败驱动开发
68 加密币挖矿小记
69 家庭资产配置的阶段 # 组合月报(202104)
70 OKR + GTD + Note => Logseq
71 我的个人项目技术栈
72 长期投资之难 # 组合月报(202103)
73 我的人生管理系统
74 重新思考估值策略 # 组合月报(202102)
75 当别人的股票基金上涨时 # 组合月报(202101)
76 基于Serverless实现静态博客访问统计功能
77 构建终身学习体系进行自我提升
78 我的家庭理财规划
79 投资的秘密 # 组合月报(202012)
80 零成本搭建现代博客之优化国内访问速度
81 我的2020
82 我的绘图工具箱
83 关于银行分期贷款的坑 # 组合月报(202011)
84 投资交易的心理建设 # 组合月报(202010)
85 大跌时我们能做什么 # 组合月报(202009)
86 双均线交易策略 # 组合月报(202008)
87 Serverless应用开发小记
88 投资理财书籍推荐 # 组合月报(202007)
89 我的笔记系统
90 200万小目标 # 组合月报(202006)
91 零成本搭建现代博客之加载速度优化篇
92 零成本搭建现代博客之订阅推送篇
93 我常用的浏览器插件
94 零成本搭建现代博客之SEO优化篇
95 什么是SEO
96 零成本搭建现代博客之搭建篇
97 用Markdown可以做什么
98 什么是互联网广告
99 使用AWS Lambda提高网站图片加载速度1X倍
100 使用TF-IDF算法计算网站页面相似度分布(Python)
29 分钟前
1 内容创作者必备:xhs-download 快速下载小红书图片和视频 产品实现
2 为什么Chrome扩展是独立开发者的绝佳入场机会? 发现好点子
3 【出海去特刊】Solo Founders 的 2024 独立开发启示录
4 让灵感不再散落!PicSeed——全平台灵感收藏与管理的高效工具 产品实现
5 16岁高中生用cursor打造图片工具获得20万用户 实现$1000MMR 独立开发者故事
6 2024: 独立开发的第一年,我的收获与成长 独立开发启示录
7 快速生成高质量播客:AI工具革新内容创作! AI产品
8 MoeMail:一个可爱的开源临时邮箱服务,保护你的隐私! 发现好点子
9 解锁高效工作流!PicHound 海量图片素材,一键下载和管理 产品实现
10 从零到AI专家,AiPathly帮你实现职业转型梦想 产品实现
11 猫步简历 – 一款免费开源的简历制作神器 产品实现
12 用魔法打败魔法:打倒AI检测 独立开发者故事
13 这个网站真的不是AI写的,别再问了 /🤦 独立开发者故事
14 内容创作者的福音!EzyGraph 轻松将博客文章转化为引人注目的信息图表 获取增长
15 让文字变故事:巨日禄——轻松打造高质量漫画视频的AI创作神器 产品实现
16 App预览图制作工具-ScreenShot 产品实现
17 Cursor加持,开发出优雅的工具站。Hamstertools-各类工具,用完即走 产品实现
18 提升测试效率的秘密武器:Random Address Generator 开发者的一站式随机地址生成利器 产品实现
19 解题无需苦恼!MathGPT——助你轻松征服数学难题的AI解题助手 产品实现
20 让 AI 文本更贴近自然表达:AI Humanize 助你轻松绕过 AIGC 检测 获取增长
28 秒前
1 Coding Efficiency in 2025: simple hacks for Indie Hackers
2 The founder matters more than the company in the early days
3 Building a Career in Data Infrastructure: Lessons from Gaurav Rajendra Kataria’s Journey.
4 First two paying customers
5 Make money with open-source S02E01
6 I built a blogging platform (minus yucky bits of web)
7 How Should I Transition My Free Chrome Extension to a Premium Model?
8 Why Starting a SaaS Is Easier Than Ever but Succeeding Is Harder Than Before
9 I rebuilt the first versions of tech giants with AI
10 The best founders write blogs
11 I made an app to grow my own X audience and I'm sharing it
12 Positive MMR Flow In 1 Month After Launching
13 Have you used landing page builders before? Let's chat!
14 Intro: My first Post on Indie Hackers
15 You can get your financial freedom with open-source in 2025! 🤑
16 Brick - SaaS Starter Kit
17 You Don't Have to be 100% Original... But You Should Improve Upon Ideas if You Aren't
18 After 2 years of indie hacking, my buttcheeks unclenched
19 From $0 to $10k MRR: My Indie Hacker Journey – Part 2
20 Developer looking to join a startup
21 How I Closed My First SaaS Client Without Writing a Single Line of Code
22 Protect your momentum like your life depends on It
23 From $0 to $10k MRR: My Indie Hacker Journey – Part 1
24 Why Building in Public Changed My SaaS Journey Forever
25 Looking for marketing Co-founder - AI/Gaming/Other Devtools
26 Building the wrong product? Helix helps validate ideas fast. Turn visions into prototypes for Free in 3 minutes—no code, no design team.
27 Stop Guessing: The Art of Validating Ideas Without Burning Cash
28 Ideas alone don’t build products, clarity does!
29 Don't be a Jerk. Use this Tip Calculator.
30 We are live on Product Hunt
31 The #1 Mistake Startups Make With MVPs (and How to Avoid It in 3 Minutes)
32 After burning through $3M and building 5+ failed products, we finally found our way
33 We Spent $500,000 So Founders Don’t Waste Weeks Building the Wrong Product
34 Wearing Two Hats? Streamline Product Management as a Founder
35 40 open-source gems to replace your SaaS subscriptions
36 Looking for development agencies to partner up with for CRO
37 How to Build a Custom Insurance App Dashboard in a Few Minutes
38 Stop Showing Slides. Show Investors Your Product Vision.
39 Stop Wasting Months Building the Wrong Product—Here’s How We Learned the Hard Way
40 Aimfox launched on Product Hunt today! 🤩
41 From Spreadsheets to a Custom HR App in 7 Days
42 Stop building what customers don’t want: Validate ideas in 3 minutes!
43 Looking for a Dev co-founder, product is 90% ready!
44 Looking for Indie Hackers for virtual speed networking
45 Looking for Web developer for Collab
46 We Built a Free Tool to Help Founders Avoid the #1 Mistake That Kills Startups
47 I built a social media scheduling tool and open-sourced it 🤯 (currently 1.6k MRR)
48 How I Grew to 30,000 Followers in a Year: A Simple Guide for Social Media Strategy
49 Who says bootstrapped means small?
50 We Made a Web App Builder. Why Did It Turn Into a Retro Arcade?
51 Seeking Cofounder in AI Startup
52 Looking for a Visioner Partner to Build Amazing Things Together!
53 Affiliate+ From Lasso launched on Product Hunt today! 🤩
54 Looking for a co-founder with a great idea who needs resources (people, budget)
55 A free resource directory for early-stage SaaS Founders
56 Free Video Effects & Animations 🎉
57 How I Built A Construction PM App With Zero Coding Experience
58 You don't need a cofounder
59 Meme marketing for startups 🔥
60 I've spent $25k on X ads as an indie dev
61 Why I'm leaving Twitter for Bluesky
62 Made 2K$ in 3 weeks with my first launch
63 How are you building your SaaS MVP today?
64 What's New: Almost 50% of indie hackers suffer from loneliness
65 5 Affordable Ways to Grow Your New Indie Business
66 100+ Handpicked BFCM SaaS Deals
67 45+ Directories to Promote your Black Friday Deals in 2024
68 🚀 Launched Expify - The Ultimate AI Tools Directory.
69 Top Web Design Trends for 2025
70 My marketplace sold $390k worth of startups. AMA.
71 How do you get beta testers?
72 We're building a startup in 4 days (seriously!) to help content creators get their life back 👋
73 Looking for a Co-Founder to Build Something Big Together!
74 AI Meme Marketing Generator: Would you use It?
75 Building a SaaS While Working Full-Time: My Productivity Hacks
76 I'm looking for a partner to build a cookie-free analytics tool
77 The Ultimate Indie Hackers Black Friday Deal List
78 What's New: OpenAI's o1 is now available to all paid API users
79 7 Email Design Trends to Watch in 2025: Are Your Campaigns Ready?
80 BetterBugs launched on Product Hunt today! 🤩
81 Improve your Landing Page Conversion (Part 2). Checklist
82 How we got 100+ clients in 48 hours from Product Hunt
83 Bad news for solo indie hackers: building alone is killing your startup
84 Layer launched on Product Hunt today!
85 Looking for cofounders (tech)
86 Seeking Collaborators: Let’s Build Something Amazing Together
87 Roast my website
88 Looking for a UI designer cum Co founder for my new Project
89 rev0 Devfolio - Opensource PayloadCMS Portfolio Template
90 3 side project ideas people are actually searching for
91 Avoid Failure: 3 Don’ts and 3 Must-Dos for Startup Founders
92 Ever started your day with 3 tabs and ended with 30?
93 Why Google Doesn’t Take Your Site Seriously
94 How bootstrapping as a solo founder made me skilled in every area of my business
95 Bringing AI to Tailwind: Launching Material Tailwind v3 PRO
96 How I Built a Directory Website in a Day with AI
97 What's New: Substack is giving away free subscriptions
98 Best Open-source Application Development Platforms in 2024
99 How Dog Gone Taxi Increased Leads by 37% Using AI Automation
100 How a growth mindset fueled my startup's journey to 25M+ users
55 秒前
1 校园跑腿系统开发 校园跑腿系统小程序开发 校园跑腿系统前后端分离
2 几个同事吵起来了!我第一次感受到职场危机
3 自营-机房-实卡接码注册WS,TG,Google,apple,LINE等各冷热门app项目
4 2024年国外日历假期API
5 被薅2.6w!记一次让我压力大到失控的 bug
6 2024年常用的语言翻译API
7 聊聊前端未来可能的发展方向
8 这个网站真的不是Ai写的,别再问了 /🤦
9 陪玩系统源码/线上游戏开黑陪玩,线下预约家政服务/陪玩成品搭建源码交付,支持二开
10 兴趣社区交友圈子系统小程序源码搭建(2025最新),支持多端上线,打造属于你自己的圈子
11 相亲交友小程序,婚恋系统-全自动婚恋平台-独立自主开发,教你搭建属于自己的婚恋相亲交友APP
12 不得不了解的高效AI办公工具API
13 拒绝单一!多样化圈子系统盈利方向,圈子软件源码搭建,同城圈子app多端交付
14 MvpFast模板全新升级,新增Supabase+Stripe技术线路,目前已涵盖国内和国外两种技术栈模板
15 长期寻求合作/全球实卡接码注册各冷热门app注册WS,Google,TG,VB,TK,LINE等
16 写给我前端同事,从事一年多应该要怎么成长的路线
17 便捷好用的电商API工具合集
18 Google、Apple、unity、steam等平台收益,如何到国内顺利结汇?
19 前端摸🐟小子,教你减少无意义的编码
20 2024年常用的情绪识别API
7 分钟前